Celebrating Just Do It Day

just do it

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 24, 2023

Everyone associates the expression “just do it” with Nike. But, according to National Today, the phrase first made headlines when an inmate said it at his execution. That’s a dark look at the saying. No matter how you look at it, “just do it” is a great way to start your day today.

Don’t Put It Off – Just Do It

As a writer, I am very familiar with the idea of procrastination. I love writing, but I put it off. I thought I was the only one, and then I found a Facebook group of writers who do the same thing. Apparently, it’s very common. I’m thinking it’s not just writers. Are you an artist who loves to draw and paint, but you put off doing it? Why do we do that?

I understand that we put off things we don’t like to do. I put off doing laundry, and then I put off folding the laundry and putting it away. It’s boring and tedious. But, why do I also put off writing blogs, when I love to write? Why do I go ahead and do the tedious things first?

Why We Don’t Just Do It

There are several reasons why we don’t just do the things we want and like to do. One reason why I put off writing blogs is my aim for perfection. I want people to enjoy what I write, and I want to feel proud of my writing. There are times that I get a blog done, and know it is not my best work. That’s not motivating – that’s just another reason for me to procrastinate.

Along with my drive for perfection is an underlying fear of critical readers. Now, sometimes I’m tough and I say I don’t care what people think as long as I’m happy with it. In reality, I’m a people pleaser and I do care. Sad, but true.

just do it
Link’s motivation will always be playing…

Distractions can be a big reason for not just doing what you need to do. I need quiet to write – I can’t have music playing in the background because I get distracted. Today, before starting this article, I started looking at the resort we are going to in Mexico. Then, I got distracted by the restaurants at the resort. I got distracted from my distraction. That takes talent!

I also tend to delay gratification. I want to get things done that I don’t enjoy first. My mindset is that I will be able to focus on the good stuff once I finish the mundane stuff. So, I do laundry, I clean out the litter boxes for the #ketocats, and I clean the bathroom before I start writing. The issue is that one thing leads to another, and before you know it, the day is over and I haven’t written yet!

Ways to Put The Activities You Love First

It helps to have an accountability partner. I know that Bill is waiting for me to post these articles so he can do the social media part. He’s depending on me to get things done. I find that helps me think of writing in a different way. I’m not being selfish, or self-indulgent because I want to write. This is necessary for us to move our business forward. Seeing it as more of a job than a hobby helps motivate me to get things done.

Improving the environment is important. We have an office where we do the work for this website. It has computers, comfortable chairs, and a paper recycling bin where our cat Koopa oversees our work. We don’t do other things in here. It’s just for work purposes.

Finally, making the things you love a habit can help you to stop procrastinating. We have made it a habit to get up on Saturday morning and work on the website. It’s not something we decide to do in the moment. We don’t have to discuss it anymore. We just get up and do it.

Just Do It with Keto

If you’ve been thinking about starting keto, take today by the horns and just do it! You can’t succeed if you don’t start. And, think how rewarding it will be when you are actually making it work. When you find yourself procrastinating, dig deep and find your motivations. Find your accountability partner who will encourage you to keep going. And make keto a habit that your body will enjoy!


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