Celebrating and Enjoying Sleep on Keto

Sleep on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 3, 2023

January 3rd is the Festival of Sleep day.  It is developed to reinforce having a day of rest and relaxation after the hectic holiday season.  Back in ancient Greek times, we used to have two separate stretches of sleep, rather than one long stretch.  Then, people invented artificial light and that meant a longer work day.  The industrial revolution prioritized work over sleep.  Now, here we are, taking days to specifically focus on the need for sleep.  Sleep on keto can be particularly rewarding – but can also have it’s drawbacks!

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep gives your body and your brain time to recharge.  Adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night.  Without a sufficient amount of sleep, your body and brain starts to break down.  Lack of sleep raises your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar, heart disease and stroke.  It can also contribute to poor mental health.  We need sleep to be able to concentrate and think clearly.

Initial Problems with Sleep on Keto

Keto insomnia can be a common side effect when you first start this lifestyle.  When our bodies turn to burning fat instead of sugar for energy, we start feeling a more consistent energy throughout the day.  That increase in energy can make it difficult to sleep at first.  But, as you get used to that level of energy and start using it throughout the day, you start sleeping better than ever.  All this is very normal when starting keto.

The Benefits of Sleep on Keto

Some of the things that make sleep difficult include eating larger meals and drinking caffeine or alcohol in the evenings.  With keto, we find we are full after supper, and we aren’t eating and snacking into the evenings like we once did.  Once we are done with supper, we are good to end our day without any more food.

We also find that we are doing more throughout the day, so we are burning off that energy and getting more exercise.  Now, honestly, we don’t do a ton of exercising in the traditional ways.  We aren’t out walking to walk, or going to the gym.  That’s a goal, but we aren’t doing it right now.  But, we are doing more around the house or getting up and walking around at work.  Instead of sitting down and worrying about doing laundry, I’m up and around and getting it done.

Sleep on Keto
A lot of sleeping goes on at our house.

Celebrating Festival of Sleep Day

Sleep is an important part of a healthy life.  Take some time today and think about your sleeping routine and how you fall asleep.  The research says that we should go to bed around the same time every night.  Your environment should be comfortable – for example, the right bed, the right temperature, and the right pillows.  There should also be very low levels of light.  That can mean banning screens in the bedroom, such as tv’s and phones.

Make sleep a priority.  Get some level of exercise throughout the day, so you are tired at bedtime.  Don’t have caffeine, alcohol, or a big meal right before bed.  And stop feeling guilty for getting a proper amount of sleep!  So often, our society still values work over sleep.  Sleep is important for a  healthy life, so make it a priority and stop glamourizing lack of sleep.  You’ll be more productive during the day when you are actually working.

My Thoughts about Sleep on Keto

Sleep is a natural thing, and yet it is so complicated and depends on so many things.  I have always been a really good sleeper.  I know I need sleep to be at my best, and it’s never been an issue to get it.  Lately, I’ve been starting the menopause journey and that disrupts my sleep.  I’m not sure if it’s the sleep interruptions or the change in hormones, but it makes me a cranky bear!

I hate that foggy feeling I have when I don’t get enough sleep.  Part of why I love keto is that I can think clearly and focus on things.  I’ve always prioritized sleep, so now that I’m struggling more, it’s not great.  I’ve started keeping melatonin next to my bed, and when my brain won’t shut off, I pop one of those.  It helps me get to sleep, although it doesn’t help if I wake up during the night.  But, it’s a more natural cure for insomnia.

So, celebrate the Festival of Sleep Day and get some rest.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have a nap!


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