Daily Workouts on Keto – An Introduction

Daily Workouts on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 13, 2022

I have decided to start a two week period of working out daily. Yes, I know one of the benefits of keto is that you don’t have to work out in order to lose the weight. Trust me, I didn’t. But, it’s coming on to winter and I’m feeling blah. I want to have some of those benefits of exercise and feel better. I’m also a bit critical of my loose skin, and if I can tighten that up some, that would be great. So, here we go – daily workouts on keto!

Projected Benefits of Daily Workouts on Keto

Huff Post gives a list of benefits of exercising that has nothing to do with losing weight. Most of these benefits centre around your mental health. Exercising helps release dopamine – a feel-good chemical in your body. The more you exercise, the more dopamine is released, leading to a reward system. That doesn’t mean you won’t dread it. But, once you do it, you’ll have that feeling of accomplishment and a boost in your mood.

Exercise can lower your stress levels and improve the effects of anxiety. Who doesn’t need to feel less stress in their lives? It can also improve your sex life through increased energy levels and increased self confidence. Giddyup!

Of course, there are physical benefits as well. Exercise helps with your immune system, and it strengthens your muscles to keep you from becoming injured. It can help you sleep better, and that is the basis of the rest of our health!

When and Where I Will Exercise

Bill and I are extremely busy people. We work a lot of hours. In fact, Bill is up at 5 am and gets home around 6-7 pm every day. My work is an hour commute to and from our home, so my hours are about the same. Any spare time we have is devoted to writing blogs and developing our business – Married to Keto. Of course, we also take times to snuggle the #ketocats and ride motorcycles. So, when does that leave for exercise?

Daily Workouts on Keto
Working hard and sweating to prove it.

For the next two weeks, I am devoting myself to getting up a little earlier and doing a workout every morning. I usually sleep until 5:30, so I’ll get up with Bill. It’s not going to be a long workout – I figure about 20 minutes. And, it’s not going to be too intense to start. I’m not a fan of taking a full shower in the morning and then going out in our cold weather. Yes, I have had frozen hair in the past and it’s not pleasant. The shower will be a quick pop in, use some soap, and pop back out.

I will be working out at home. I have a yoga mat that has seen more action by the cats than me. It’s kind of disgraceful. The exercises I plan on doing don’t require any equipment. It’s just using my body as the weight and resistance. I do have some small weights if I get bored – not likely.

The Daily Workouts on Keto

So, here is the routine I plan on doing for two straight weeks.

  • Squats (15)
  • Lunges (15)
  • Push Ups (5)
  • Crunches (15)
  • Bicycles (15)
  • Calf Raises (15)
  • Plank (15 seconds)

I’ll go through them one after another. Then, I’ll take a break for 30 seconds, and repeat two more times. Once I finish that, I’ll do a little bit of yoga to help stretch, and I am done. Easy peasy, right? We will see!

My goal is to increase what I can do. I’ll keep track every day and I’m hoping that the second week, I’ll increase the number of reps I can do. I’ll keep you up to date!

My Motivation

So, what truly is my motivation? Yes, as I said above, I want to feel better. Keto gives me a lot of energy and helps with my mental health, but winter is difficult for me. I despise the cold and I often get the “winter blues.” We have a trip south planned for February, and I am determined to wear the bikini I bought, and feel good about it! So, here we go! Week one of this routine starts now!


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