Do Sweet Potatoes and Keto Agree?

sweet potatoes and keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 1, 2023

I’ve heard a few people lately talk about eating sweet potatoes on a keto diet.  Wait, aren’t they on the “do not eat” list?  I’ve given up sweet potatoes since I started keto because they were high in natural sugars and high in carbs.  Plus, I always mashed them with a bit of brown sugar added, so that’s a definite no on keto.  Some people go one step further and add maple syrup or marshmallows.  So how can this sweet vegetable be the new hot topic for keto gurus? Do sweet potatoes and keto agree?

One Issue with Sweet Potatoes and Keto

One issue with sweet potatoes is that they are high on the glycemic index.  In other words, they increase your blood sugar levels when you eat them.  This is extremely problematic for Bill with his health concerns, but I also enjoy the relatively level steadiness of my blood sugar since starting keto.  

So, where does the sweet potato fall on the glycemic index?  It all depends on how it is prepared.  I found an article that broke it down really well.  Boiled sweet potato is probably your best option.  The more time it is boiled, the lower it is on the index.  It is low to medium on the glycemic index.  Roasted or fried sweet potato is considered high on the glycemic index.  It would be comparable on a blood sugar level to eating rice cakes or instant oatmeal. 

Baked is the highest glycemic index.  Eating a baked sweet potato (even without the sugary additions) would be comparable to eating white rice, baguettes or instant mashed potatoes.

sweet potatoes and keto
I used to love my sweet potato.

Sweet Potatoes and Keto Don’t Mix for Us

So they are definitely off the list for us, just based on that alone.  But what about their nutritional values?  1 medium sweet potato has 112 calories, 0 grams of fat, 22 grams of net carbs (taking out the fiber) and 2 grams of protein.  So, technically I guess you could have ¼ of a sweet potato that has been boiled and keep your carbs below 20 grams for the day.  It would be about 6 carbs.  

Personally, I don’t eat much of anything with 6 grams of carbs in it.  My entire meal usually has less than that.  For me, it just wouldn’t be worth it – especially having it boiled and without sugar added.  So why are keto people confusing the issue?

I’ve found that some people who start out as keto gradually fade off to “low carb” advocates.  So while you may have found them online as keto gurus, they actually become less about keto and more about low carb lifestyles.  Others eat certain vitamin-filled but high carb vegetables on an off-plan day. 

Do You Have an Off Keto Day

Some people eat ice cream, some people eat sweet potatoes.  While those eating sweet potatoes may still feel healthy, the ultimate result of being kicked out of ketosis and back to burning carbs for energy will be the same.  If that is something you are comfortable with, good for you, but it’s no longer keto – it’s low carb.  

One podcaster I heard said that he didn’t get fat because he ate vegetables.  Fair point.  At the same time, I did get fat by not being conscious of what I was eating.  I had sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, stuffing, gravy, peas and corn and called it healthy.  Keto is not just about eating certain things, it’s about gaining control over what you eat.  I know that for me, low carb living would soon have me sliding back down into my old ways and I’d be eating much worse than sweet potatoes before you could say, “It’s not a yam.”

Sweet Potatoes and Keto May Work for Dirty

If you do dirty keto, you can eat just about anything as long as it fits into your macros.  If you truly miss sweet potatoes that much, it might be an option. Doing low carb, you could fit them in.  You need to do what is right for you.  But please don’t listen to people who mix up low carb with keto – they are not the same.  One is not better than the other, but one may work for you and the other may not.  Keto is difficult enough to figure out without having the “experts” confuse the issue!


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