Eating Keto at barBURRITO

Keto at barBurrito

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on June 17, 2022

We recently had a new fast food option open close to us called barBURRITO. We hadn’t heard of it before, so we did a little research before we decided if we should go or not. Turns out, you can eat keto at barBURRITO. Now we’re excited for the tasting portion!

The Information on Keto at barBURRITO

This franchise restaurant first opened in Toronto in 2005. They say they have quality Tex-Mex food that is fresh, fast, and “without compromise.” We will be the judges of that! Naturally, we knew going in that we couldn’t have the tortillas, taco shells, or nacho chips, but they do offer a bowl option that should work great for us.

The nutritional calculator on their website is awesome. You put in what you want to order and it adds all the nutritional information for you as you go. So not only do they have all the info, it adds it up for you and you can see where you might be taking in an ingredient that is a little carb heavy. This gets five stars from me!

I’ve put together a list of what is available for ingredients and how many net grams of carbs are in each so you can see what you want and if you can keep in the keto lane if you get it. This is the nutritional information under the bowl size option.

Proteins at barBURRITO

Firstly, let’s look at protein – the building block of your meal. Their mild chicken and spicy chicken each have 1 net gram of carbs. The jerk chicken and steak each have 2 net grams of carbs. Their ground beef has 6 net grams of carbs, and 2 grams of that is from sugar, so that would not be my first choice. Additionally, the pulled pork has 4 net grams of carbs and all 4 are from sugar, so again, that would be a no for me. Veggie ground at barBurrito also has 4 net grams of carbs, and 2 of those are from sugar. The fish is (hold onto your hats) 23 grams of net carbs! Stay away from the fish.

Keto at barBurrito
Goomba is ready for some barBurrito

Toppings at barBurrito

Secondly, we add flavour with the toppings. The toppings are pretty much what you would expect for nutritional information at barBURRITO, although one surprise to me was that the red salsa has 3 grams of net carbs, and 1 of those is from sugar. You might want to just use your own at home if you get take out, or you can get the green salsa that only has 1 gram of carbs. The other option is to skip the salsa and get tomatoes, as they have 2 grams of net carbs.

The cheese they use has 1 gram of carbs. Lettuce, red onions, the fresh jalapenos and pickled jalapenos all have 1 gram of net carbs. Likewise, the cilantro has 1 gram of carbs. I absolutely hate cilantro (like it’s personal with me) so it could have negative carbs and I still wouldn’t eat it, but to each their own! The green peppers have 2 grams of carbs. Corn is higher in carbs, of course, with 4 grams of carbs.

Sauces that Keep you Keto at barBURRITO

Finally, we look at the sauces. The sour cream, spicy buffalo, Jalapeno Eclipse and hot sauce each have 1 net gram of carbs. Guacamole has 1 net gram of carbs. You have to love the role of fiber with guacamole! Their burrito sauce has 2 grams of carbs, and one of those is from sugar. Things get a little hairy from there. The ancho chipotle sauce has 4 net grams of carbs, and three of those are from sugar. Chipotle BBQ sauce has a whopping 6 net grams of carbs and four of those are from sugar.

My Take on Eating Keto at barBURRITO

So, when I go there (and it will be soon), I will be getting a bowl with mild chicken. My toppings will include cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. I plan to opt for guacamole and sour cream. My nutritional information will be: 304 calories, 18 grams of fat, 5 grams of net carbs, and 24 grams of protein. The protein is a little high for a meal, so I will need to supplement that with a fat bomb for dessert. Poor me.


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