Every Day is Grain Free Day on Keto

Grain free day

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on February 21, 2023

More people today deal with dietary restrictions. Grain Free Day inspires families and friends to cook and enjoy grain free meals together. On keto, every day is a grain free day for Bill and me, but we appreciate the sentiment of making meals we can all enjoy. The truth is, we don’t find going grain free an issue because it is (mostly) our choice. I imagine it can be more difficult for people who don’t have that choice.

Why Do We Need a Grain Free Day?

According to National Today, studies have found that a wheat allergy is the most common food allergy in children. Wheat is now modified so that farmers get more product from less area. The result is that there is less protein in the wheat, and this seems to be causing more digestive issues. Celiac disease is becoming more and more common, and sensitivities to wheat are more common still!

As a society, we have become very dependent on wheat-based products. Before we started keto, I had bread about 3 times a day. We had toast and/or cereal for breakfast. Sandwiches for lunch were a go-to. For dinner, we’d have pasta with garlic bread. In other words, we’d eat wheat, wheat, and more wheat! Sometimes it’s nice to remember that there are other foods out there that we can enjoy together.

The Benefits of Being Grain Free

When we started keto, the idea of not eating wheat seemed impossible. I once heard a comic say, “Do you know what has gluten in it? Everything!” It took some research and planning to make the switch. I didn’t know how much wheat was affecting my system until I stopped eating it. Suddenly, my stomach didn’t feel bloated anymore. My digestion was so much better. I felt so much better.

I started realizing how crappy I had felt before I stopped eating wheat products. Not to mention how much sugar I took in with the wheat products! Because it wasn’t just whole wheat options – it was white pasta and baked goods! Cakes and cookies and cinnamon buns. Not good for the waist line or the belly!

Grain free day
Not a grain in sight.

Ideas for Breakfasts on Grain Free Day

Breakfast was the one meal I struggled with the most when we stopped eating wheat. Now, I usually have a cheesy biscuit (made with almond flour) with bacon for breakfast. We cook the bacon ahead of time, so it just takes about 20 second in the microwave and our breakfast is ready. Pair it with coffee, of course! We also have recipes for a wheat-free blueberry biscuit and a French toast muffin that is so delicious with sugar-free maple syrup. We can mix and match each week so we never get tired of the same things.

On the weekends, we have chaffles. I enjoy the regular chaffles with blueberries and whipped cream. It never gets old, and it’s one of my favourite things on the weekend. If I don’t get them, I get cranky!

Lunches and Snacks

Our lunches are normally leftovers from dinner the night before. That makes it nice and easy. Snacks are a little more complicated. We tend to have simple cheese snacks or low carb pepperoni. I really enjoy nuts too, especially almonds. We have a recipe for energy bites, that is a mixture of nuts and pure peanut butter. We add a few Lily’s chocolate chips and they are delicious! It’s handy and filling as a snack.

Ideas for Dinner for Grain Free Day

The easiest approach for dinner is to just have some vegetables, meat, and a fat-filled sauce like alfredo or cheese sauce. Once you get comfortable though, you can mix and match. We use flat bread a lot for a base for what would usually be sandwiches or tortillas. It’s made from cream cheese, almond flour, and eggs. We have a recipe for butter chicken that is delicious over top of flat bread. It’s one of our favourite meals!

It can seem overwhelming to take out what our society considers essentials for dinner. No potatoes, rice, pasta, or bread. But really, you don’t need them to still have an incredibly delicious and filling dinner. I don’t miss them at all, and I was sure I would when we started this keto adventure.

Going grain free is not the end of the world. It’s not even that hard, once you wrap your head around it. Celebrate today by going without the grains and see how you feel. You may realize it’s a good choice!


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