Every time we see someone for the first time in several years, people comment that we look great. We reply that we feel great! They ask how we do it and we tell them we follow keto. Usually, we then hear about why they could not do keto. Some reasons are legit – others are kind of silly. Here are our top 10 excuses not to start keto we hear regularly.
Can’t / Won’t Give Up Certain Foods
# 10 – I can’t give up fruit. Really? That’s what you can’t give up? If you are looking for a weight loss route, this one makes me giggle. I know that I did not get fat by eating oranges and bananas.
# 9 – I can’t give up bread. Well, I can relate to this one. However, I turned to keto while I worked in a bakery that made homemade-style bread. You could smell the freshly baked bread when you walked in the door. If you are committed to making a change, you can do it. There are also things that can take the place of bread, like chaffles, Mr. Tortilla and flatbread made from cheese. We have suggestions on our website, if you want to do it.
#8 – I’m addicted to sugar. I totally get it, and I’m happy to hear when people own it. Most are addicted to sugar, and don’t even realize it. It helped me to give up sugar when I learned about the health risks sugar presents. I find it does help that the food on keto is so flavourful and delicious. A fat bomb after dinner is a great dessert substitute.
Timing of Keto
#7 – It’s the holidays. We’ve all made that deal with ourselves. After the holidays, I will go on a diet, eat healthy, etc. There is no ideal time to switch to keto. You have to be ready, and that’s more important than the time of the year. If you’re ready, you’ll do it. And, if you can get through the holidays, you can get through any other time of year!

#6 – Life is too hectic right now. That may be true. It may be that your diet and health is that one extra thing that would cause you to just collapse. Only you know what you can handle. But, I find that when life is too hectic and I take a few minutes to plan out my meal plan for the week, it helps me to feel in control of something. That can be very empowering.
The Lifestyle Excuses Not to Start Keto
#5 – The rest of my family won’t do keto. We believe strongly that keto is an individual choice. If you want to do it, there are ways you can tweak your meals so you don’t have to cook two separate meals – one keto and one not. Just go without the starchy side and stick with vegetables that are keto-friendly with your meat. We’ve found that some of our friends and family enjoy our keto meals occasionally because they taste really good! Hopefully your family will support you in your keto journey.
#4 – I’m a vegetarian. I totally get it. Being a vegetarian can make keto more challenging – but it can be done. It just requires more research. Be sure you track your protein as well as the other macros to ensure you are getting enough.
#3 – I work out so I need more protein. Dude. Are you a professional athlete? Do you do marathons every weekend? If your workout is a Zumba class once a week, I think you’ll be okay.
Health Excuses Not to Start Keto
#2 – I can’t digest raw vegetables or those high in fiber. This would definitely make things more complicated. I see a blog in our future on this topic. I’m thinking you would need to take supplements, but it requires a lot more research.
#1 – I don’t believe keto is healthy. Okay. This one is completely legitimate. We don’t recommend keto for everyone. You need to do your own research and make your own choices. Bill and I feel that, for us, it is a healthy choice. We support people who want to try it. We do not push our lifestyle onto anyone else.
If you decide that keto is for you, that’s great. Once you start keto, you will see many of these excuses as just that – excuses. If you don’t want to do keto, that’s okay too. You don’t have to make excuses to us. Make your choice and live your best life. As our daughter would say, you do you.