Feeling Good Living Sugar Free

Living sugar free

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on December 4, 2022


If youā€™ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  Iā€™m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, Iā€™m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the sweet stuff.  This is the final blog of the series – feeling good living sugar free.

Getting to Be Sugar Free

Before I went keto, I could never have imagined living without sugar.  If I had a good day, I celebrated with a sugary treat.  Bad day?  Iā€™d drown my sorrows in sugary treats.  Believe me, stress eating is a real thing.  And, the more you eat sugar, the more you crave it when youā€™re stressed.

Then, one day, Bill ended up in the hospital.  The doctor (who was amazing and we credit him with saving both our lives) tested him for hyper-insulinism.  Sure enough, Billā€™s body didnā€™t know when to stop producing insulin.  Unless he ate every couple of hours, he was over-producing it.  The years of indulging in sugar and starchy carbs had caught up with us.  He was left with a decision – take medication that would ruin your kidneys, or go on keto.  We chose keto.

Learning to Cope with Living Sugar Free

Seeing as food, particularly sugary food, was the vice we turned to, we needed to find something else to deal with stress.  Stress will never go away – thatā€™s part of life.  So, how do we deal with it?  On top of that, I have an anxiety disorder and I used to cope with anxiety through food.  

We had to find something else to help us get through the tough times.Ā  But, it turns out that keto actually helped us with that.Ā  Itā€™s not just about weight loss.Ā  Learning about keto was something we did together, and that activity became a passion for us.Ā  Once we entered ketosis, we had more energy, which helped us get things done.Ā  And, we found that our mental health was, well, healthier.Ā 

Living sugar free
Loving my sugar free life!

The Withdrawal Process

Going without sugar was not all fun and games!  Iā€™m not sure how much of the keto flu was my body switching to burning another fuel source and how much was sugar withdrawal.  I missed sugar, and I constantly craved it.  People would be at work with candy or chocolate, and I just wanted to jump them and steal it.  I didnā€™t like foods that werenā€™t sweet, so for a while, I was just eating to live.  I was cranky and hungry.  It wasnā€™t pretty.

When the Body Adjusts to Living Sugar Free

Slowly, I noticed that I was enjoying different foods.  I now like fuller flavours and spicier foods than I did before.  I enjoy foods that I didnā€™t like before.  Butter chicken is now one of my favourite meals.  I now drink coffee with just cream – no  sweetener.  Turns out, I like coffee!  Iā€™d only been tasting creamers with sugar in them before.  

I have a good level of energy all day.  Where at one time, I struggled to stay awake at 2pm in the afternoon, now itā€™s just another time of day.  I donā€™t have the highs and lows I used to.  Sure, I still enjoy a mid-afternoon nap now and then, but Iā€™m not needing it like I did when I was using sugar to get kicked into gear.  Honestly, I just feel healthy.

Final Thoughts of Living Sugar Free

Sweetness now hits me in the face and makes me feel ill.  I had a piece of pepperoni a few weeks ago at a friendā€™s house, and it was honey garlic.  I almost gagged.  Needless to say, I didnā€™t take another piece.  

About six months after I had started keto, I did an off-plan day and gave in to my craving for a Dairy Queen Blizzard.  I ate it, and overall I enjoyed it, but it wasnā€™t the same as it used to be.  It didnā€™t fill a void for me.  I think if I ate it now, it would probably make me sick.  

I still have some cravings from time to time.  But, it helps to know that the experience of eating sweets isnā€™t the same as it was before keto.  I like how I feel without sugar in my body, and Iā€™m going to keep it that way!


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