Finding the Right Keto Support Online

keto support online

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on June 30, 2022

It’s #SocialMediaDay and we are all about sharing our information and goals on social media!  We promote our blogs, we have our #ketocats cartoons and pictures, and most of all, we help people find keto support online.

What is #SocialMediaDay

According to National Today, we in Canada and the United States spend on average 144 minutes each day on social media sites.  That’s almost 2.5 hours each and every day!  Social media started out with sites like Sixdegrees in 1997.  This was a site that listed your friends and family.  It had profiles, bulletin boards, and the schools you attended.  It was a way to connect with people you once knew.  Sound familiar?  

Then, we went through MySpace and Friendster in the early 2000’s.  Today, we have sites such as Facebook (for us older fogies), Twitter and Instagram.  The purpose is still the same – it’s a way to connect.  The difference is that we can connect with people who have the same goals and ideas we do – not just people we know.

Finding Keto Support Online

I am very lucky that Bill and I support each other with keto.  He started keto because his health issues left him no choice.  I started keto because I wanted to support him to live a longer, healthier life.  But, not everyone has that support to do keto in their home.

Keto is not easy.  If you look at our website, you will see that we are open about the fact that it takes a lot of ambition and motivation to be successful with keto.  Sometimes you need some outside support to keep you going and prevent you from buying that gluten-filled pizza or eat that hamburger bun.  If you don’t have that support at home, it’s important to find the support elsewhere.

Bill and I find it easier to keep motivated because his health is at the centre of our keto journey.  If I was just doing it to lose weight, I’m pretty sure I would fail.  Keto has tons of benefits, but it can be easy to lose your focus and go the easy route.  Personally, I need someone to keep me going.  Online keto groups can give you that support.

Cautions of Keto Support Online

Sure, there are a few downsides to finding online support for your keto path to wellness.  The first is a caution for anything online; people may not be who they present themselves to be.  If someone signs into a keto group and says they know all the answers because they are a doctor, it could be true…or it could be a lie.  I don’t understand why people pose as something they aren’t, but it happens.  Remember, just because someone says it online doesn’t mean it’s true.

keto support online
Freya could just use a little support in general.

Please don’t take health advice from people in a social media group.  Do your own research.  We did a blog recently with some places to start doing some research about keto.  And then, go to your doctor for advice.  I prefer to go to a doctor with the research in my back pocket, because not all doctors are educated on keto specifically.  If they are concerned, do the blood tests and see exactly what’s going on with your body.

If you join a social media group and find that the members are bringing you down rather than building you up, leave the group.  There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of support groups online.  If one doesn’t have proper posting regulations, there are many others who will.  You don’t need negativity!

The Benefits of Keto Support Online

It is nice when you talk to someone who knows about keto.  Someone who doesn’t need you to explain exactly what you eat and why.  Don’t get me wrong, I love talking keto.  But, when you’re looking for support to keep going, the explanations can be exhausting.  Finding support online is great because you share the same basic understanding and believes around food.

You can access online support anywhere, at any time.  We all have little communicators that connect online with us constantly now.  Feeling a craving at 2 am?  Go online to a keto group for support.  There will be people awake and ready to tell you that you’ve got this.  It’s not usually someone you know, it’s people who want to be there for you and need you to be there for them.  You can make connections with people all over the world!

Celebrate #SocialMediaDay by finding a new keto group.  Sign up and offer some support.  You never know when you’ll need members of that group to be there for you.


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