Going Through Menopause On Keto

Menopause on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on June 26, 2022

This is part four of a series that is looking specifically at how women on keto are affected by this lifestyle. I know this is going to be a shock to everyone, but here it is; women are different from men. Okay, okay, so this isn’t news. It also isn’t news that women’s hormones are different than men’s hormones. So why is it surprising that women on keto will experience this lifestyle differently than men? This blog is looking at menopause on keto – certainly something that is specific to women.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is when a woman’s body stops producing eggs and is therefore unable to have anymore children. This commonly occurs when a woman is between 45-55. Our hormones go a little haywire during this time, and it causes a lot of changes in our bodies.

Symptoms of Menopause

Lauren Ciccarelli, in an article from March 24, 2021 on the website Keto Mojo looks at the symptoms of menopause. The most obvious symptom is that you stop having a menstrual cycle. For those of us who have had a hysterectomy, this is not something we have anymore, so we have to rely on the other symptoms to know that we are going through menopause.

I recently Googled my symptoms and Dr. Google told me I was either pregnant or going through menopause. Seeing as it’s impossible for me to be pregnant, menopause was the answer.

Ms. Ciccarelli lists symptoms of menopause such as:

  • Weight gain or trouble losing weight
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Mood swings, and issues with depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Thinning hair
  • Dry skin
  • Vaginal dryness and low libido
  • Poor memory, brain fog, and trouble concentrating.

Doesn’t that all sound like fun? And, I have one more to add: breast tenderness. None of these are ideal.

My Body During Menopause

Now, if you are on keto, you know that there are many benefits. I’ve found that some of these benefits actually counteract these symptoms. I have found that, even on keto, I have gained about 10 pounds in the last 6 months. At first I panicked, thinking I was out of ketosis or I was doing something very wrong. Once I found out I was going through menopause, things made more sense.

My body is going through a real change, so it’s going to take some time for it to readjust and regulate itself. Also, I haven’t gained more than that, so I’m still maintaining. I’m just maintaining at a bit of a higher weight than I was. I’m still smaller than I have ever been in my adult life before.

Menopause on Keto – The Physical Symptoms

The hot flashes and night sweats were a new thing for me! I kept waking up and I was drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. That’s when I was able to get to sleep. I am someone who is always cold, so the hot flashes were a complete change. In addition, I’ve always been a good sleeper and I need my sleep. But, after a couple of months, these things have evened out and while they happen occasionally, it’s not as much as it was.

Menopause on Keto
Me during a hot flash. Not fun.

I’m very fortunate that I don’t struggle with thinning hair. I do have dry skin, and I have started using cream daily and exfoliating scrub with every shower. I haven’t really seen much difference in these instances.

The low libido and vaginal dryness, along with the tender breasts are not great. They are normal, and there are resources you can research to help with them. Keto has been good in that my body is working well overall and things that used to put a damper on our sex life are no longer an issue – like constant headaches and stomach issues.

Mental Health During Menopause on Keto

One of the first symptoms I noticed was my heightened anxiety. I suffer from general anxiety, and I take medication for it. But, once I started keto, it took my mental health to a whole new level. For the first time, I was able to talk myself out of panic attacks and bouts of anxiety because I could recognize it for what it was. I started to lose a bit of that ability, and that’s what first got me concerned about what was happening with my body. Things have, once again, evened out a little bit since then, and I’m feeling strong mentally again.

Finally, there is the poor memory, brain fog and lack of concentration. Ketones actually help protect the brain cells, and Ms. Ciccarelli notes that they can assist with the brain fog and your mental health overall. Sure, I have moments when I put the keys in the fridge, or I forget why I walked into a room. We all do that stuff as we get older. But I still feel pretty sharp when it comes to my concentration and I’m not feeling brain fog at all.

The Final Thoughts about Menopause on Keto

Menopause is no joke. It’s the one last complete hormone change your body will go through. If keto is helping me through this, and I believe it is, I fully recommend any assistance you can get!


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