How Keto and Self-Esteem Are Linked

Keto and Self-Esteem

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 3, 2022

According to National Today, it’s compliment your mirror day.  Self-esteem is all about how you perceive yourself.  It’s based on things like your inherited traits like your appearance and intelligence, feeling likable, feeling you are unique and worthy of respect, feeling in control of your life, and being proud of your achievements.  In my opinion, keto and self-esteem are definitely connected!

Connection between Keto and Self-Esteem

Keto can give you a feeling of confidence in your appearance.  I feel more confident in the way I look since losing weight.  Genetics are what they are.  Some people have larger noses, some people have smaller chins.  But overall, I feel like I’m doing the best with what I have!

For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m in control.  I’m in control what I eat and how much I eat.  I have never really had control over that before.  My cravings dictated what I ate, and the more I gave in to them, the more control they had over me.  Feeling like I have control over my diet makes me feel like I have more control over my life in general.

I certainly feel like I have achieved some milestones in the past couple of years.  I’m down to a good weight, and am smaller than I’ve been since before I was pregnant in my 20’s.  I’m obviously proud of that.  But there are other things that I feel accomplished about too.  I have more energy than I did, I try different things that I was scared to do when I was bigger.  I got my motorcycle license.  Never would I have tried that before, and would have said something like, “My big ass doesn’t fit on motorcycles.”  

Keto and Self-Esteem
Compliment yourself!!!

Cautions of Linking Keto and Self-Esteem

While it’s good to have high self-esteem, it’s not good to put too much stock in appearances.  They say it’s on the inside that counts, and that is very true.  It doesn’t take long before someone beautiful on the outside can seem very ugly once you talk to them.  

It can also become an obsession.  I did blog on the fact that what I see in the mirror is not necessarily what others see.  I still see myself as a plus-sized woman.  The people around me see the size medium I’ve become.  When you don’t see the changes yourself, it’s hard to know when to just be happy with where you are.  This can lead to eating disorders and a negative self-esteem.

Along with that idea of becoming obsessed is the idea of control.  Sometimes food is the only thing people have control over, and it becomes their singular focus.  I get it.  When your world is swirling around you, and you feel completely helpless, having control over something, anything, can be a good thing.  But it can also become too much of your focus over everything else.  It’s all about balance.

The Other Elements of Self-Esteem

It is important to know that you are worthy of love and respect.  It doesn’t matter what you size, your eating habits, or your past.  You are deserving.

Another element of self-esteem is living your life with integrity.  This is so important to me!  My dad taught me that my word was the one thing that really mattered, and I have carried that with me.  That’s why I will be honest in these blogs.  Everything keto is not always wonderful, and I try to be honest about our ups and downs.

Compliment your Mirror 

So, today, make sure to look in the mirror and take a moment to compliment yourself.  See the good things about you and love who you are – inside and out!


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