How to Eat Keto at McDonalds

Keto at McDonalds

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on July 17, 2021

Did you ever think you could eat keto at McDonalds when trying to live a healthier lifestyle?  Well, I wouldn’t recommend eating there every day, but if you’re out on the road, McDonalds can be a good option for people on keto.

Their website ( has a great, easy-to-use nutritional information section.  Simply select the item you want and then click on “customize.”  It will list all the ingredients usually on that item and you can take them off or add other ingredients to it.  At the top, there is an image that looks like a food label that will list all the nutritional information.  On top of that in large print (great for those of us who are getting older – lol) is the calories, fat, carbs and protein all separated for you.  Easy peasy.

Main Course Keto at McDonalds

You can choose pretty much any of the hamburger / cheeseburger options.  We tend to go for the BLT Quarter Pounder.  For this item, select it from the burgers section and then click “Customize.”  Take off the bun, the ketchup and the mustard and it is a total of 4 net carbs.  If you take off the onions, it takes it down to 3 net carbs.

Keto at McDonalds
After you eat the kitty has a nice hat!

Breakfast Options at McDonalds

With all your energy from doing keto, sometimes you get up bright and early and get breakfast on the go.  At McDonalds, we get a Bacon and Egg McMuffin.  Just get it without the English Muffin and it has only 2 net carbs!  We usually get two and we stay full enough that we can skip lunch.  The one downside to this is that it is harder to eat.  If you don’t want to get really messy, you should sit down and eat it with a fork and knife. 

McDonalds makes it easy to plan to stay on track.  It is always best if you will be eating out to do your research ahead of time so you know of any hidden carbs or sugars that may be included.  Sure, your meal may take a little longer because it’s custom, but it will be nice and fresh!  


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