How to Start Keto – Quick or Planned?

How to start keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on December 7, 2022

So, you’ve decided to start keto.  Congratulations!  What’s the next step?  Do you research and learn all about it first?  Or do you jump in with both feet and hope for the best?  We’re going to look at how to start keto – quick off the start line, or slow and steady?

How to Start Keto Quickly – The Pros

Many people like to just jump in and tear the bandaid off right away.  They want to get through the “keto flu” while they are motivated.  Once you get through the first week, keto becomes easier because you start feeling the benefits of being in ketosis.  So, it can make a lot of sense to get yourself psyched up and push through the tough times to get to the better times.

Once your body is in ketosis, it starts feeling better.  You have more energy, you start losing weight, and you stay motivated because all these good things are happening.  Deciding you are just going to do it one morning when you wake up can be great!

The Cons of Starting Keto Quickly

On the downside, sometimes it takes a while for your body to adjust and get into ketosis.  Then, there is a problem.  If you don’t have your motivations all figured out, it’s easy to give up.  If you don’t know a little of the science, it might take longer to get into ketosis.  Because it’s easy to start one morning, it can be easy to give up that night when you’re feeling sluggish and you’re craving that side of fries.

How to start keto
Koopa isn’t much of a quick starter…

How to Start Keto with a Planned Approach

I’ll admit it, I live to plan.  Everything in my life is a checklist and a spreadsheet.  So, when Bill said he had to start eating keto, we started to learn.  We watched documentaries and videos that explained how ketosis works.  I took notes, and Bill absorbed the information.  And then, we dove into it with a meal plan and tracking sheets to fill out every night.

I prefer a planned approach, simply because I like to feel in control.  Keto gives me that control over food I never felt before.  I can decide what I’m going to eat for the week and do a shopping list.  We can tweak our plans to have a few more or a few less carbs each day.  It’s nice to live without worrying about what is for dinner.

How to Start Keto and Succeed

Don’t you want to be spontaneous?  Isn’t the planning boring?  Well, not to me, but to some people they hate the idea of planning everything out.  The problem is, you have to have some knowledge in order to succeed.  If you don’t know how ketosis works, you won’t get there and stay there.  It’s important for you to understand how your body now works.  

That doesn’t mean you have to plan out every meal.  We are now at the point where we can wing it a little bit.  But, it took us a long time to get there.  We had to get comfortable with what our plates look like so we can go without our scales and nutritional labels.  If we didn’t plan at first, may not have been successful with our weight loss and health gains.

A Final Thought

Once you decide this is what you want to do, truly, the important thing is to just start.  We have a workbook that can help.  It can give you a quick glance over the science if planning isn’t really your thing.  Or, we have worksheets to help you track if that’s more your speed.  You absolutely can do this – no matter how you like to get started.  Just get started!


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