Is It Safe For Seniors on Keto?

seniors on keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on February 22, 2023

I was talking to a woman the other day who works in a nursing home.  She knows my mother, and my mother was telling her that Bill and I had written a keto workbook (purchase by clicking here).  Being a mother, she is very proud, even though she doesn’t completely understand or necessarily agree with us. This woman led me to the question we are looking at today. Is it safe for seniors on Keto?

Her Story of Seniors on Keto

The woman told me about a senior she worked with who had been in failing health.  He was quite overweight and he had very limited mobility, so he couldn’t move around to get any exercise.  He was at the point where he had to lose weight or he was going to lose what little mobility he had leading them to convince him to try keto.

Being a resident in a long-term care home, he had his meals provided for him, so he didn’t have to worry about cooking or prepping the food.  He said he actually enjoyed the options they gave him.  The results were very positive.  He lost a lot of weight and he actually gained back some of his mobility.  He continued with keto and became healthier than he was for years before that.

seniors on keto
Our Tessa was certainly a senior 🙁

Maybe Seniors Have Always Been on Keto

When I thought about this story, I realized that some of the older seniors would have eaten a lot of low carb, high fat options in their youth.  People raised cows for their milk and made their own butter and cream.  They ate all of the meat available from an animal, including the fattier cuts.  There were no processed foods and sugar was a rare treat.  My dad ate bacon and eggs for breakfast for years and he lived to be in his 90’s.  Maybe they had it right all along!

Seniors on Keto is an Option

Keto for seniors is a great option if the person is up for the change.  I was happy to hear that this long-term care home offered it to him.  Hopefully they will offer it to more seniors who need to get healthier and aren’t able to move around as much.  It certainly shows me that keto is becoming more mainstream – even in the health care system! So is it safe? As safe as it is for you or me. In fact, that generation has been doing it longer.

I hope this story inspires you as it inspired me.  If a gentleman in that position can do it, so can we!


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