January 31st is backwards day! As someone who does keto, I’m used to people thinking I’m backwards, so it’s kind of nice that there is a day for me. Backwards day is all about doing things the opposite way we usually do them. Put your clothing on inside out. Sign your name backwards. But, is keto backwards to usual thinking?
The Nutritional Plate
The American and Canadian governments have put aside the traditional nutritional pyramids and instead created the ideal meal plate. I was so on board with this way of thinking before we started keto that I looked on Amazon for a plate divided into three. I knew I had to make a change for my health, and I was relying on the information from nutritionists to try the cycle again.
The “MyPlate” looks at the amount of calories you get from each macronutrient. They break it down simply as almost ½ your plate should be fruits and vegetables. ¼ of your plate should be protein, and ¼ of your plate should be whole grains. The other bit is a combination of healthy fats, dairy, and sugar. This breaks down to roughly 10% fats, 65% carbs, and 25% proteins.
Is Keto Backwards to the Nutritional Plate?
Well, yes. In keto, we change over our bodies from burning carbs to fat. This means we need much more fat and much less carb intake. Our percentages work out to approximately 70% fat, 10% carbs, and 20% protein. It does seem to be completely backwards to what the Department of Agriculture promotes.

Is Keto Backwards to the Science?
Keto is backwards to the traditional science promoted by the government. That’s why it is so controversial. But, there is a science to keto. If we look at history, our bodies are able to switch from carb burning machines to fat burning machines. We had to in order to survive. We’ve lost that knowledge somewhere along the line. Why? Some think it is just because we have everything at our fingertips now and we can eat the carbs we crave. Others think it was a conspiracy by the agricultural industry and scientific community.
Scientists are not sure of the long term effects of keto. With so many of us doing it, they are studying it now. All we have for sure is the antidotal stories of those who have done keto for a long time. We have done it for over two years now, and when we stay on track, we feel great. When we don’t stay on track, we feel crappy. So, we stick with keto.
My Thoughts on Whether Keto is Backwards
I don’t know for sure if I’m right. That’s why I always say we are here for people who want to try keto for themselves. I’m not here to sway you one way or the other. I do know that keto is right for me.
In October, Bill and I had a lot of stress in our lives. We fell off the wagon a little bit. While we didn’t increase our net carbs, we did start eating more and more sugar alcohols. Our portions got bigger. We took in more calories. And, with all that, we began to crave sweet treats, even though they used sugar alcohols and not sugar. We started feeling pretty gross.
Over the holidays, we made a plan to get back on track. So far, we’ve been successful. We eat at home and we make our own treats so we know exactly what is in them and how much of each ingredient. We are feeling better and more in control. So, if keto is backwards, I guess I’m just a backwards kind of girl!