Is This Stuff Normal on Keto?

Normal on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on November 11, 2022

Starting out on keto is quite an adventure for your mind and your body.  Your body is changing the way it works so you are going to feel some effects as you get started.  One of the questions we get a lot is “Is this normal on keto?”  

What is Normal on Keto?

Keto flu – This is a well-known side effect of starting keto and most of us go through it in some capacity.  You feel tired and your brain feels foggy.  I had to share with my coworkers what was happening because they were concerned when I was wandering around without focus – lol.  To decrease the amount of keto flu you have, drink lots of water and add salt to your food.  

Bad breath – The ketones have the added effect of giving you bad breath.  Do your friends, family, and coworkers a favour and make sure you brush your teeth often and have some mouthwash on hand.  Again, drinks lots of water.  You will see that advice throughout this article!  When we had been on keto for three months, we started introducing some substitute sweeteners and we now use Pur gum or mints (see their products here.) when we don’t have access to a toothbrush or mouthwash.

Leg Cramps are Normal on Keto But Can Be Fixed

Leg cramps – Occasionally you may wake up with a Charlie Horse in your calf muscle.  They hurt and they bring you to in a hurry!  To avoid this uncomfortable side effect, increase your salt intake and look into taking some magnesium supplements.  Make sure the supplements don’t have hidden carbs in them.

Normal on Keto
No Goomba, a cat in a slipper is not normal.

Constipation – This may be another uncomfortable side effect.  To avoid this one, again make sure you get lots of water.  Also make sure you are getting enough fiber.  It’s in some keto-friendly vegetables like cabbage and broccoli.  If you take over-the-counter laxatives make sure you talk to a pharmacist and that you do not depend on them long-term.  Once again, magnesium citrate is a known supplement that can help with this.

Cravings – You are detoxing from carbs, particularly sugar.  You will not likely struggle with the craving for peas or corn but you will crave the chocolate bars and chips.  It is really important to keep your motivation front and centre.  For tips on how we stay motivated, read our blog here.  Also, find things that fill the void for you.  I started out with having a fat bomb once a day.  I struggled after supper so that’s when I’d have a fat bomb and a cup of tea.  It keeps you on track and it helped when I was craving sweets the most.

Hot Flashes Could Be Several Things

Hot flashes – I’m 48 years old, so I’m not sure if I had hot flashes from keto or from menopause, but they did happen.  This occurred for me when I was in bed.  There isn’t a lot you can do with this except know that it is normal and have a fan close by.  

Vivid dreams – I found that when I started keto, I had continuous dreams that I ate carb heavy food and then panicked about it because I had done it without thinking.  Don’t worry, that’s normal.  Many people report that their dreams become more real and vivid when they start keto.  

You Will Have a New Normal on Keto

So, that’s a list of some of the things we experienced and we have heard that others have experienced.  They aren’t pleasant, but you can handle them.  The most important advice we heard and that worked for us is water, water, water, and more water.  Stay hydrated!  The rest will come with time.

If any of these side effects do not go away with time and lots of water, go to a doctor.  But if you start experiencing pain, particularly in your chest or stomach areas, go to a doctor.  If you are unsure of whether a side effect is normal or not, go to a doctor.  When in doubt, listen to your body and get things checked out.


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