Just because we’re keto, doesn’t mean we don’t like a sweet treat every once in a while! But, Bill just recently did an article on the rising cost of erythritol, the sugar alcohol we tend to use most often. This rising cost makes us shudder when we use more than a teaspoon of it at a time! Then, we found a different sweetener at Costco from a company called Volupta. We had to do some research – is Volupta sweetener keto?
What is in Volupta sweetener?
When we checked the ingredients, this sweetener consists of just two ingredients – erythritol and monk fruit extract. Well, I’ve always wanted to try monk fruit extract. I prefer fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients entering my body. A teaspoon of this sweetener has zero calories, and just 4 grams of sugar alcohols. It is also a zero on the glycemic index, which means it does not increase your blood sugar levels.
Where Does Volupta Sweetener Come From?
The company is based out of Santa Monica, California. They make sure to source their products from reputable and reliable farmers. Their partners must be compliant with the Global Food Safety Initiative and Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. In other words, they deal with people who are known for being ethical and environmentally responsible.

What is Erythritol?
Erythritol is naturally occurring in some foods. It is also made through the fermentation of certain foods. It has zero calories and passes through the body mainly unchanged and has a smoother aftertaste. Erythritol has about 70% of the sweetness of table sugar. So, it is pretty popular in the keto world.
What is Monk Fruit Extract?
Monk fruit is originally from Southern China. It’s named after the monks who first cultivated it. The sweetener is extracted from the dried fruit. It is 150-200 times as sweet as table sugar while having no calories and a zero on the glycemic index! So, why wouldn’t we just use monk fruit? Well, it’s difficult to grow and harvest, so it’s expensive. It also has a bit of a bitter aftertaste, which I personally think is better than the chemical aftertaste of some sweeteners.
Is Volupta Sweetener Keto?
From the information we have found, it is definitely keto-friendly. Like any sugar alcohols, you need to watch how much you eat. Your body will look to this source for energy first, so if you eat too much of it, it will count as carbs and knock you out of ketosis. But, if you just eat it in a dessert sometimes, you should be fine.
We had always turned to Swerve because it was a mixture of erythritol and stevia extract. This combination took away a lot of the aftertaste of most sweeteners. This one might even be better! We have been using it in the whipped cream we put on our chaffles on the weekends, and you don’t need much to offer that sweet flavour.
Volupta sweetener is found at Costco and we get almost a kilogram for a great price. Just in case they run out, we picked up a couple of them! Lately we have had to get Swerve from Amazon, and it is getting pricey!
The one downside to this product is that we can only find a granular sweetener. This can leave a gritty taste in things like a keto cream cheese frosting. So, we are still using Swerve for their icing sugar sweetener when we are looking for a smoother texture. We are also still using Swerve for their brown sugar sweetener for things like keto chocolate chip cookies.
A Final Thought About Using Volupta Sweetener
This is a great product, if you can find it. I’m always nervous about products I can only find at Costco, because they can disappear, and that makes me very sad. But, this is definitely our new go-to for sweetener for as long as we can find it!