Keeping our Motivation on Keto This Year

Motivation on keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 4, 2023

It’s that time of year again.  People set weight loss goals every New Year.  Gyms are busy, grocery stores sell out of vegetables, and three months later, we all go back to our regular lives.  Why can’t we keep our motivation and stay on track for a healthier and slimmer body?  How do we keep our motivation on keto?  I think one of the roadblocks is when we centre our motivation goals around our appearance rather than what we want to be able to do.

Appearance as a Motivation on Keto

We all want to look better.  You see celebrities who are considered “perfect” and yet they wear tons of makeup and use clothing that reshapes their bodies.  We all have rolls, dimples or pouches that we are self-conscious about.  At the first of the year, we are trained to think, “I’m going to change this!”  We vow to eat right and exercise and get rid of those 50 pounds or 10 pounds that annoy us.  Then, life happens, and this resolution is the first to go.

Behaviour as a Motivation on Keto

In order to get to behavourial goals, you have to dig a little deeper.  Why do you want to lose that weight?  What is it you could do without that weight that you can’t do now?  If it gives you a newfound confidence, what do you want to do with that confidence?

The last time we went to Disney World, Bill and I struggled because of our sizes.  We were both uncomfortable in the seat on the plane and he had to ask for a seat belt extender, because the regular one wouldn’t fit around him.  I worried about getting on rides because I was too big.  These are the experiences that can be a motivation to make a change and keep with it.

Motivation on keto
Goomba’s goals are to get more sleep and snuggles.

An important part of this type of goal is to celebrate when you get there!  No, not with a chocolate bar.  Celebrate by doing the thing you’ve been working towards.  Take a picture and enjoy the moment.  We are never going to be 100% satisfied with our bodies – that’s just the way society teaches us to be.  But if you work towards something specific, you can reach that goal and that just motivates you to keep going.

My Motivation

Honestly, my motivation has been lacking since about September.  We’ve had a lot of family things come up that have sapped our emotional energy.   One of these events is losing Tessa, one of our beloved #ketocats.  It’s hard to stay on track when you’re emotionally spent.  In fact, it’s a goal to just get through the day.

I’m taking this holiday season to get back on track.  At the first of the holidays, I ate treats filled with sugar alcohols without guilt.  As my body started rejecting these, I naturally started moving more towards whole foods.  Then, I started doing an exercise routine.  That lasted one night.  I completely overdid it and I could hardly move for three days.  

The nice thing about having a week or so off work is that it allows you to try different approaches, fail, and come back stronger than ever.  I’ve now made stuff for breakfasts and snacks for the next week.  I also made some fat bombs that we will use as our dessert after supper.  We’re doing a meal plan and sticking to it.  I’m prepared and ready to go hard for the next month.

Final Thoughts about Motivation on Keto

Keto is great because you lose weight quickly and it keeps you going.  But, once you’re in maintenance mode, it can be hard to keep motivated.  I’ve been reminded of this lately, as I feel my pants getting a little tighter and feel a little less energetic.  

Bill and I are going to Mexico in one month from now.  I am motivated to hit this hard.  We are back to strict keto, and doing meal planning and cooking.  Bill bought me a planner for Christmas (he so knows my heart) and I have keto stuff in it and motivational sayings.  

So, my appearance goal is to look good when I go to Mexico.  But, my behavioural goal is to walk with confidence in a bikini.  I also want to feel good and have energy to do stuff – like the snorkeling and kayaking that’s available.  I don’t just want to lie by the beach – I want to experience Mexico.

It’s always a good idea to have some accountability, so I’m going to journal my month-long reboot on our Instagram and Facebook page.  Watch me go!


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