Keto and Slimming World

keto and slimming world

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 6, 2022

Slimming World is something we have been hearing a lot about lately, and I had no idea what it was. It’s been promoted as an alternative to the keto lifestyle. I decided to check it out and see what all the hype is about. So, here it is: keto and Slimming World – what’s the difference?

The Background of Slimming World

This is a British program that was actually founded in 1969 by Margaret Miles-Bramwell. Slimming World has 3 main components. The first is group or online support. You can join an online group or you can go to an in-person group meeting. The second is physical activity. Finally, the third component is the food guidelines. This plan costs money to join and is similar to Weight Watchers in the payment schemes.

The Food of Keto and Slimming World

Slimming World has what they call “free” foods. These are fruits, vegetables, and proteins. It means that you can eat as much as you like of them. No counting, no tracking, just snacking. In keto, there are really no “free” foods, although you can eat a whole lot of fats.

Then, Slimming World has what they call “healthy extras.” You can usually eat about 3 of these a day. These are foods that are high in calcium and fiber. It would include breads, cereals, oats, and dairy. This is obviously very different from keto. The grains are a no-go for us. Dairy is okay, and I admit, I eat more than 3 servings of dairy a day, if you include the heavy cream that goes in my coffee!

Finally, Slimming World has what they call “Syns” or “synergy.” You are permitted to eat 5-15 of these a day. They are things that are high in fat, such as butter and mayonnaise. It also includes your junk food, like pizza, wine, chips, and chocolate. So, this is kind of the opposite of keto. We are encouraged to eat the fats, and give up the junk food.

The Similarities of Keto and Slimming World

About the only similarity I see between these two ways of eating is that they both have to do with food. The gentle push towards physical activity can be similar. Neither seem to really make it central to their plan, it’s just recommended. With keto, I find I have more energy to want to exercise or at least be active.

Some would say that keto and Slimming World are a diet fad. Both have been popular in the news lately and are buzz words in the diet industry. In my opinion, keto is not a few fad diet because it is not new and it is not a diet. It’s been around since the 1930’s. And, it’s a lifestyle, not a diet. I did a blog about this a while ago in a keto myths series. To be fair, Slimming World has also been around since 1969, so it is not new either.

The Differences

Slimming World follows a more traditional approach to foods. It recommends ⅓ of your plate be vegetables and fruit. Protein is another ⅓ of your plate. The final ⅓ of the plate would be the grains – their “healthy extras.”

With keto, 70-75% of your calories come from fat. Only 5% of your calories (to a maximum of about 20 grams a day) comes from carbohydrates. The rest comes from protein. It’s pretty much taking the traditional food pyramid and dumping it on its head.

keto and slimming world
One could be keto, one could be slimming world.

Slimming World is proud of the fact that it does not ban or restrict any category of food. Well, keto is definitely more restrictive. It directs you away from carbs and more towards fats and, to a lesser extent, proteins. Not everyone likes this approach, and it’s probably the number one reason people decide not to do keto.

A final difference is that you have to pay for Slimming World. As diet plans go, it’s not overly expensive, but it still does cost money. You do get a support group for that money, if that’s your jam. I just think with all the online groups out there, you can find one that works for you and it’s free.

My Final Thoughts on keto and Slimming World

Slimming World reminds me of many other diets I tried in the past and failed at. And paid money to join it. Does it work for some people? Sure. Just like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, and numerous other diets that work for some. But, I don’t think it would be successful for me.

Keto works for me because I’m not hungry. I’m doing something different, and that makes it interesting to me. I feel like I have more energy. Plus, I don’t indulge in chocolate bars and chips. I know myself, and I know that I’d see that as being able to save up for the day and have a chocolate bar and two servings of potato chips. I’m very good at finding the loopholes.

In summary, I will be sticking with keto for the simple reason that I have been successful with it, and I have not found that success with any other diet.


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