Keto Pizza at Stone Pizza in Dartmouth

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 4, 2023

Every once in a while, I type in “keto” and my area to see if any new restaurants or food options pop up. The other day I did this for Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, where I work. And Stone Pizza popped up. Wait, they have keto pizza options? Why did I not know this? The keto community is pretty small so usually we all know each other. But, I was not aware of this place having keto pizza. It was time to do some investigating!

History of Stone Pizza

According to their website, Stone Pizza opened in July, 2016. It is just across the street from the Dartmouth ferry terminal. This likely explains why I wasn’t aware of it. Downtown Dartmouth is pretty as it is right on the water. It’s also very busy and there isn’t a lot of parking. I think in the last two years, I’ve been down in that area twice. And I work in Dartmouth. Because it’s a busy area, I’m sure it’s a great location – just not for me personally.

Stone Pizza was the idea of Allyson Crooks. She is a mother of two and decided it was time that the city had an artisan pizza shop. Her partner, Andrew Lockyear, was onboard. While she runs the shop, he does the social media and marketing for the business. He is also a firefighter with the Department of National Defense – thank you for your service.

Keto Pizza Options at Stone Pizza

The website says that they use Fat Head dough as their crust. This is a crust made from almond flour, cream cheese, eggs, and cheese. Most of us on keto are well aware of this recipe because it works well as a crust. It has just 4 grams of net carbs in each crust and each crust is 8 inches.

Stone Pizza has the normal varieties of pizza with a keto option. These include meat lovers, the works, Greek, cheese, and pepperoni. All of these sound traditionally delicious. They have a pizza sauce included and, of course, cheese. I’m so boring with my pizza, I usually enjoy a good cheese pizza. Bill rolls his eyes at me.

keto pizza
Goomba is always ready for pizza!

But, then there are different options that sound so interesting! They have a Buffalo chicken pizza that I want to try. There is a spinach and artichoke pizza and the picture looks amazing. And then, they have one that I know Bill is going to want to try: a dill pickle keto pizza. Now, my tastes have changed a lot since I started keto and I enjoy some spice and tang now, whereas before I just wanted sweetness. I have not yet developed a taste for dill pickle. This could be his new go-to though!

Other Keto Pizza Options

I was probably most excited about this: they have keto-friendly garlic fingers. If you are not from the Maritime provinces, you likely are not familiar with this treat. Garlic fingers are an oil-based garlic sauce on top of a pizza crust and it is all covered in cheese. I remember moving to Alberta and they had no idea what garlic fingers were. I was just devastated! So to have these as an option for me now is amazing. These come with pizza sauce to dip them in.

If you think you can do better with building a pizza, you can use their crusts. They have take home crusts available. This would be handy if you have your own pizza sauce or toppings you like. It would cut down on your cooking time at home.

Something that was on the ordering sheet, but I didn’t see it on the menu was the burger pizza. It’s loaded with hamburger, onion, tomato, pickles, and their homemade burger sauce. It looks like, well, a burger on top of a pizza crust and it also looks delicious.

Finally, there are keto-friendly drinks at Stone Pizza. They have the usual diet soda and water. They also have sparkling water and Bubly. Bill and I are now obsessed with Bubly. I love the strawberry. He drinks whatever flavour in the package that I don’t! If you’re wanting an adult beverage, they have a pink lemonade hard seltzer from North Brewing Company.

A Final Thought on Keto Pizza at Stone Pizza

Stone Pizza also caters to people who are vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free. 95% of the reviews I read were extremely positive – which means the restaurant is excellent. There’s always people who will complain about anything. The only issue I read was the price. Well, you get what you pay for. I know how expensive locally sourced, fresh ingredients are and I appreciate businesses using them. I also know how expensive keto ingredients are. Almond flour is not cheap!

We did a blog last year that talked about the struggles of finding keto pizza options when you are out and about. The more availability out there, the better! I’ve found another option. Now, there’s only one more thing to do. Test it out! We will be in, Stone Pizza!


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