Keto Rule Five – Listen to Your Body

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 23, 2023

Keto is becoming bigger and bigger as people realize they have to change their food habits for their health. We know that obesity is a problem that is negatively affecting our health care system. Obesity is a risk factor in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, strokes, and type 2 diabetes. So, you would think that turning to keto to reduce your health risks would be a no-brainer. Today we look at our last keto rule – listen to your body.

The Most Important Rule

It truly doesn’t matter if you do keto or not – this is an important part of being healthy. Your body knows what it needs. If it needs water, you feel thirsty. If it needs food, you’ll feel hungry. When we first started keto, people asked how we would know if it was doing damage to our bodies. We listen to our bodies and it tells us what’s up. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you don’t check in with your doctor occasionally. But if you need something sooner than your annual check up, make sure you go and see what’s happening. To do that, you need to know what’s normal for you and what is concerning.

Learning to Listen to Your Body

It can be hard to learn how to listen to your body. Is something actually wrong, or is it my age that’s creeping up on me? How far is too far to push your body when you’re working out? Is that ache and pain normal, or should I go get it checked out? I come from a family where you don’t go to the doctor unless you are severely hurt. How much pain is too much pain?

Often, we stop listening to our bodies, and it takes time to re-learn how to do it. Sometimes we might be busy, so we miss a meal. Other times, we might go out with friends and end up having an extra meal even though we aren’t hungry. Most of us really suck at listening to what our bodies need. We confuse bordom with being hungry. I remember hearing someone say if you feel hungry, but you don’t want an apple, you aren’t hungry – you’re bored.

In Canada and the United States, how often do we truly feel hunger? Many people burn glucose (i.e. carbs) for energy. We need a more constant food source with this kind of energy – especially if we eat simple carbs like baked goods and white bread or white rice. Once you go on keto, your body switches over to burning fat and you don’t need to eat as often. It’s amazing how you learn to listen when your body needs more food. But, we tend to just eat three meals a day, because that’s what we’re taught.

Listen to your body
Wendy’s body is telling her to go back to Mexico

When I Learned Why You Should Listen to Your Body

About 15 years ago, I started feeling unwell. I didn’t seem to have much energy. Now, I was overweight and out of shape, so I assumed that was my issue. Finally, one day I lifted a light box and carried it from my car into my work. I almost dropped it several times. I put it down and I was out of breath and dizzy. Something wasn’t right.

So, I went to the doctor, and found that I had uncontrolled asthma. While I had an emergency puffer, I needed something for daily use. My lungs weren’t getting enough air. It wasn’t an asthma attack, it was ongoing asthma that meant any exertion at all was taking all my energy. I started on a daily puffer, and I felt much better.

On the other side of things, once I lost weight on keto, I realized I might not need this daily puffer anymore. With the guidance of my doctor, I started cutting back on it until I was off it completely. Again, listening to my body meant I got what I needed and cut out any drugs I didn’t need.

What My Body Is Telling Me Now

We have a lot going on in our lives. You’ll notice that blogs are not done every day anymore, and social media is once a day instead of three times a day. This is because Bill opened a new business this month. It’s exciting and exhausting. And, we’ve been cutting corners on more than just blog writing.

I can feel that my body is not at its best. I’m tired and cranky. My brain is foggier. I don’t have as much energy. Have I been eating too many carbs? No. But, I have not been getting enough fat. My body is crying out for energy and I’ve been filling the void with frozen keto pizza, hot dogs, and takeout hamburgers. Those things are fine once in a while, but we’ve been living off them for weeks.

I get it, body. And, I apologize. I’ve taken this long weekend to do some cooking to prepare for the week. We have a meal plan and I’m off after this to go grocery shopping. I need to get back on track so I can enjoy all the benefits of keto.


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