Looking Inwards for Keto Support

keto support

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on April 18, 2023


Keto is becoming bigger and bigger as people realize they have to change their food habits for their health. We know that obesity is a problem that is negatively affecting our health care system. Obesity is a risk factor in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, strokes, and type 2 diabetes. So, you would think that turning to keto to reduce your health risks would be a no-brainer. Not so much. Finding keto support is sometimes not easy.

Finding Your Motivation to Do Keto

It’s important that you do your research and find your motivation for keto before you start. No one said keto is easy – that’s why there are so many of us offering advice and information online. You truly need to be clear in why you are doing it to succeed. Make sure you do your own research and find out the answers to your questions from more than one source.

I’m a firm believer that you have to find a motivation that’s more than “losing weight.” We all want to lose weight. I’ve lost 65 pounds, and I still feel like I should continue to lose. Society tells us we should be thin, and we feel pressure to achieve this. However, for me, that was never enough motivation. Don’t think in terms of “shoulds,” think in terms of “needs.”

When Bill had significant health issues, I was truly scared. We thought he was dying – and he was. We finally found a doctor that did the right tests and found out that he needed to stop eating carbs that were spiking his glucose production. He could go on medication and keep eating how he was eating at 350 pounds. That medication would destroy his kidneys. Or, he could go on keto to keep his blood sugar levels stable. That was our motivation.

Finding Keto Support from Friends and Family

Bill and I were lucky because we had each other for support. Technically, I could have kept eating the way I had been. But, I knew if I kept eating the donairs and chocolate bars, it would just be a matter of time before he slipped back into those unhealthy ways. I was also ready for a change myself. I knew I was well on my way to type 2 diabetes if I continued on.

keto support
Koopa likes keto rules

This is not always the case, and keto is not always supported by friends and family. We are often asked if keto is safe. We’ve been doing keto for over two years, and our blood work is excellent, so yes it is safe. Then, they will ask things like, “Don’t you miss
” Well, I do now, Beatrice! No, truly I don’t miss a lot of the food I ate. As you give up sugar, your tastes change and you eventually crave them less. It takes time, but it does get easier.

You may even have friends and family who try to sabotage you. They will offer you foods they know you can’t eat. Sometimes you are the topic of jokes or mean comments about how you eat or how you look. These are not support systems – they are people you may want to cut out of your life as much as possible. It’s hard not to let these comments and barbs get you down, but true friends and family will be there for you.

At my work, we celebrate birthdays among the management team. One of my team members made me a keto-friendly cheesecake from scratch. They always make sure I have an option for snacks at meetings. I feel comfortable and supported in my food choices, and that means a lot to me.

Keto Support from Health Professionals

Many doctors now think keto is a great idea. Many others do not. Finding the right person for support is tricky. Bill had two doctors who were so supportive of keto and celebrated his weight loss successes with him. In fact, they asked to share his story to motivate others. Not all doctors feel the same way.

Our new doctor is not a fan. Every time we go in for something, he attempts to get us off keto. I understand he is doing what he feels is best for our health, but it’s annoying and makes me not want to go until I absolutely have to. We know our research, and we are able to tell him why we find keto is the right option for us. We also ask for annual blood work to confirm that our cholesterol is good and our blood sugar is even better.

Your Body, Your Decision

Ultimately, to avoid second guessing your choices, you need to know the information. That’s why we do this blog. We aren’t there to sway you one way or the other. For some people, keto is the best option. For others, keto doesn’t work for them. But, if you decide you want to do keto, we are there to offer you the information and support you may not always get from other people in your life. That’s what Married to Keto is all about.


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