Married to Keto is Mexico Bound

mexico bound

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on February 5, 2023

We’ve been hyping it up and talking about it for weeks so as this posts we are just a couple of days away from our big trip to Mexico. The resort is ready, and the drinks are on ice… keto friendly of course. Our first vacation internationally since Covid is soon here. Married to Keto is Mexico Bound.

Site Updates While We’re Mexico Bound

The site will run as normal, just a little more scheduled with less hands on work. Blogs have been written to keep the site running. But we will update as needed from the pool. You can always reach out to us as normal, it just might take a little more time than normal… really depends on the state we’re in. It’s all inclusive after all.

If by chance the site were to go down we will know and your favorite recipes and blogs will be back on line in no time. We appreciate you all and can’t wait to share our adventures in Mexico during and after.

The Home Front

Since the Ket Cats get much more press than us there is no need to worry about them. We have a couple staying at the house over the week to exclusively look after Goomba, Link, and Koopa. They will get lots of snuggles and an opportunity to get mad at us for daring to leave them for a week.

mexico bound
We’re not going? But we’re ready!

Big thank you to my Mother and Friends for helping us out with this. They are all so supportive with our lifestyle and now even so on our vacation.

Mexico Bound Social Media

The infographics on Social Media are ready ahead of time and will post as normal. However the most exciting part is our third post of the day. We will be doing that from Mexico each night to share a little peice of our trip with you all. You’re all a big reason we get to do things like this so the least we can do it rub it in your face :). I mean share it with you.

This whole blog was just to basically say nothing will change over the next couple of weeks and please continue to reach out and ask questions as you need to. Also we will leave you with this cliffhanger. Wendy and I have some big news to share after this vacation is over. It’s a new adventure.

Bill & Wendy

Make Sure to Read…

How Can I Stop Wasting Food?

How Can I Stop Wasting Food?

The saying goes, “That’s a first world problem.”  Wasting food is one of those problems.  It’s inconceivable how much...