Married to Keto

Keto Search Results

What Keto Snacks Can I Have?

What Keto Snacks Can I Have?

This is a hard one because we have covered the topic so many times. We’ve done Top 10’s of keto snacks, tips and tricks, and other frequently asked questions. We’ve given hints and direct examples, yet we keep getting the same question repeatedly: What keto snacks can...

Did Increasing Calories on Keto Work?

Did Increasing Calories on Keto Work?

I’ve talked a little bit in Week 1 of this blog about the fact that I’ve gained back about 10 pounds that I had originally lost on keto. This has happened in the last 6 months or so. It’s not a big deal. But that’s easy to say, and more difficult to accept in real...

A Recipe for Caturday Keto Chocolate Cake

A Recipe for Caturday Keto Chocolate Cake

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...

The Combination of Cannabis and Keto

The Combination of Cannabis and Keto

So, if you’ve read this blog before, you likely know that I’m a rule-following nerd. Breaking the rules - let alone the law - stresses me out beyond belief. The fastest I go on the highway is 10 kilometers an hour over the speed limit. When it came to cannabis, I...

How We Create Keto Meal Plans

How We Create Keto Meal Plans

You’ve decided you want to do keto. Once you’ve made that decision, the next big struggle is figuring out what to eat! You have to look at macros – your fat, carbs, and proteins. Do you count calories? I did two weeks of counting calories on keto recently, but many...

Eating Keto at Rainforest Cafe

Eating Keto at Rainforest Cafe

COVID restrictions have eased, and Bill and I immediately decided to plan a trip for this winter to Disney World. You can tell we are excited - we did a blog on quick service options at Hollywood Studios for keto. A big part of our trips revolves around food, and...

Flitch Day is Perfect for Keto

Flitch Day is Perfect for Keto

Today is flitch day. What the heck is that? Well, it turns out that it’s an ancient tradition that is perfect for keto! In 1104, it became a custom that married couples would stand trial to prove their strength of love and faithfulness after one year and one day of...

A Recipe for Caturday Keto Chocolate Cake

The Real Deal Keto Chili Recipe

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...

Shopping for Keto Groceries

Shopping for Keto Groceries

Full disclosure - I hate grocery shopping. I don’t find it fun, it’s expensive, and there are constant lines. However, I do enjoy eating, so it’s a necessary evil. We’ve found a few ways to make it a little less of a chore, so we decided to do a blog on shopping for...

The Importance of Cows to Keto

The Importance of Cows to Keto

Today is Cow Appreciation Day and so we are celebrating all the amazing things that cows provide to us keto people. Cattle are an important component to our economy and our nutrition. They deserve a day of recognition! So, today’s blog is about the importance of cows...