Married to Keto
A Creamy Keto Chocolate Frosting Recipe

A Creamy Keto Chocolate Frosting Recipe

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...

If It’s Not Keto Is It Cheating?

If It’s Not Keto Is It Cheating?

Cheating is a horrible word. It means to act dishonestly in order to gain an advantage. It can be in games, in love, but can you cheat on a diet? What are you gaining? You gain a momentary pleasure in giving in to a craving, but the results are not positive for long!...

Three Things to Do Before Starting Keto

Three Things to Do Before Starting Keto

Seeing as we are now coming up to 3 years on keto, it’s a good time to look back and see how we should have started. For us, we found out Bill had to do keto for his health, and we just kind of jumped in with both feet. So, we watched a couple of videos and away we...

Is It Safe For Seniors on Keto?

Is It Safe For Seniors on Keto?

I was talking to a woman the other day who works in a nursing home.  She knows my mother, and my mother was telling her that Bill and I had written a keto workbook (purchase by clicking here).  Being a mother, she is very proud, even though she doesn’t completely...

Every Day is Grain Free Day on Keto

Every Day is Grain Free Day on Keto

More people today deal with dietary restrictions. Grain Free Day inspires families and friends to cook and enjoy grain free meals together. On keto, every day is a grain free day for Bill and me, but we appreciate the sentiment of making meals we can all enjoy. The...

The Link Between Triglycerides and Keto

The Link Between Triglycerides and Keto

I’ve really been zooming in on bad ingredients lately when it comes to blogs, but I think for today we will go to a frequently asked question we get a lot. What are triglycerides? This fat that people talk about a lot has become synonymous with “bad” or “unhealthy.”...