Married to Keto

Keto Search Results

Where Do We Fall On Zevia vs Diet Coke

Where Do We Fall On Zevia vs Diet Coke

When it comes to the world of low calorie drinks the clear winner in the soda world is Diet Coke. They have been the leader for many years and their sales far surpass their biggest competitor Diet Pepsi. The Keto space also has a clearly defined leader when it comes...

Part Two – Is Sugar Bad for Us?

Part Two – Is Sugar Bad for Us?

If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  I’m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, No, I’m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the...

The Truth of the Healthy Label

The Truth of the Healthy Label

Recently, CBC’s Marketplace did an article on five popular foods that promote themselves as healthy.  Their packages make big promises, but if you read the fine print, you may be surprised.  Just because a food has healthy label, doesn’t mean it is actually...

Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?

Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?

If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  I’m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, I’m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the sweet...

Willpower and Weight Loss

Willpower and Weight Loss

Willpower is defined as the ability to control yourself.  It is a strong determination that allows you to do something different.  The very definition puts all the onus on you.  Historically, weight loss has been set up as a matter of willpower. ...

Dealing with the Post Weight Loss Blues

Dealing with the Post Weight Loss Blues

Hey, hey you.  I lost a lot of weight on keto.  Where’s my attention?  What do you mean that’s old news?  Obviously, I’m kidding, but when you first lose weight, you get a lot of attention from it.  People talk about how great you look and...

My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

Easy, cheap, and tasty. That’s what drove my obsession with TV Dinners. Long before keto I would buy Hungry-man Dinners, Michelina Bowls, or Swanson Trays 4 for $10.00 and be set for work lunches all week. How could I go wrong? You take a frozen product that won’t go...

Are Mini Chocolate Bars the Devil?

Are Mini Chocolate Bars the Devil?

It’s Halloween, and that means candy, candy, and more candy.  When I was trick or treating, the most popular houses had full-sized treats, like chips and cans of pop.  Next on my list was the mini chocolate bars.  As an adult, I loved getting more mini...

Celebrate Her On Mother-in-Law Day

Celebrate Her On Mother-in-Law Day

Last Sunday was Mother-in-Law day. Now, many people joke about a mother-in-law being nosy, interfering, and pushy. I feel badly for those people. My mother-in-law is an incredible lady, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take every opportunity to celebrate her. So,...

Make the Trip to Chef Abod Cafe & Catering

Make the Trip to Chef Abod Cafe & Catering

We will be very upfront in the fact that we have been to Chef Abod Cafe on multiple occasions. It’s become our “go to” place when we want a nice dinner in Halifax that is both keto friendly and delicious. That simple statement is giving away how this review is going...