Married to Keto
The Importance of Writing About Keto

The Importance of Writing About Keto

Writing has been an important part of humans’ history.  We began by telling stories, and then someone found a way to write those stories down so they stayed with us for generations.  One of the earliest known works of literature is called “Epic of Gilgamesh”...

My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

Easy, cheap, and tasty. That’s what drove my obsession with TV Dinners. Long before keto I would buy Hungry-man Dinners, Michelina Bowls, or Swanson Trays 4 for $10.00 and be set for work lunches all week. How could I go wrong? You take a frozen product that won’t go...

A Review of Crepini Wraps for Keto

A Review of Crepini Wraps for Keto

We made a Costco run last week and picked up Crepini Egg Wraps to try.  I’ll be honest, we weren’t expecting a lot from something that has egg whites and cauliflower as the main ingredients.  We expected them to taste, well, eggy. We also wanted to verify are Crepini...

How About A Peanut Butter Keto Frosty

How About A Peanut Butter Keto Frosty

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...

Is This Stuff Normal on Keto?

Is This Stuff Normal on Keto?

Starting out on keto is quite an adventure for your mind and your body.  Your body is changing the way it works so you are going to feel some effects as you get started.  One of the questions we get a lot is “Is this normal on keto?”   What is Normal on Keto? Keto flu...

How to Eat Keto at Texas Roadhouse

How to Eat Keto at Texas Roadhouse

We don’t have a lot of Texas Roadhouses where we live, but they are popular throughout the keto world, so we thought we’d take a look at their nutritional information.  Some of their options are really good.  Other options that I thought would be okay are not okay! ...