Part Two – Is Sugar Bad for Us?

Is Sugar Bad

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on November 27, 2022

If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  I’m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, No, I’m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the sweet stuff.  In this series, I’m going to look at the good and bad about sugar.  Our second blog on the topic asks the question; is sugar bad for us?

The Types of Sugar

Some sugars occur naturally.  These are simple carbs that are found in fruit, vegetables, and some dairy.  While they have sugars, they also contain other nutrients that are good for us.  Many also contain fiber, which slows down the transition of glucose into the bloodstream.  Let’s face it – few of us gained weight because we ate bananas.

Then there are the added sugars.  These are sugars that are added to food and drinks to make things taste sweeter.  According to Medical News Today, it’s these additive sugars that cause health problems.  Our bodies digest these sugars very quickly and they have no nutritional value.  We simply eat them because they taste good.  These are the sugars we will be talking about in this post.

Is Sugar Bad for our Weight?

Sugar is an empty calorie with no nutritional benefit.  One teaspoon of white, granulated sugar has 15 calories and 4 grams of carbs.  It has no fat or protein.  So, how much sugar is in your typical can of soda?  A can (12 oz) of Coca Cola Classic has 39 grams of sugar.  The same sized can of Pepsi has 41 grams of sugar.  That can of A&W Root Beer has 46 grams of sugar.  Just in case you think the clear stuff is better, Mountain Dew also has 46 grams of sugar in a 12 oz can.  

Is Sugar Bad
Link is sweeter than sugar and not bad for you!

Science is clear – there is a link between excess sugar and weight gain.  The American Heart Association says that women should take in no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day and men should take in no more than 9 teaspoons of sugar a day.  That’s 24 grams for women, and 36 grams for me.  Yet, the average American takes in 19 teaspoons or more of sugar a day.  That’s 76 grams of sugar a day.

Is Sugar Bad for Diabetes?

If you have diabetes, your body cannot make insulin.  Insulin transforms sugar in your bloodstream into energy for your cells.  So, the sugar never leaves your bloodstream.  Type 1 Diabetes is completely different and while you cannot have sugar if you are diabetic, it doesn’t cause diabetes.  There is, however, a link between a high calorie diet, which is usually loaded with sugar, and Type 2 Diabetes.  The jury is still out on whether or not doing a sugar-free diet, such as keto, can “cure” Type 2 Diabetes, but it certainly helps with the symptoms.

What About Our Teeth?

Sugar is bad for our teeth.  When we eat sugar, a bacteria is formed in our mouths.  This shows as a thin layer of plaque.  The plaque releases an acid that eats away at our teeth.  It can lead to cavities and tooth decay.  Since I gave up sugar, I haven’t had a cavity – just saying.

Is Sugar Bad for Our Hearts?

We know there is a link between sugar and heart disease, although researchers aren’t sure exactly how they interact yet.  Certainly, weight gain and obesity puts stress on our hearts, which can lead to health issues.  We know that diets that are high in sugar are high in calories, and that causes weight gain.  

So, Is Sugar Bad?

Yes.  So, I usually try to put out all the information and let people draw their own conclusions, but I can absolutely say that sugar, at least for me, was bad.  Dieticians say we shouldn’t call food good or bad, but sugar has no nutritional value, may well be addictive, causes continual cravings, and masks your taste buds so all you want is sweetness.  I don’t see any up-side to sugar.


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