Should I Be Working Out on Keto Today

Working Out on Keto

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on July 16, 2023

Wendy and I have recently started working out in the mornings. We are on a cycle of strength training followed by cardio the next day, followed by a rest day. The cycle then repeats. We have a background of weight training and cardio from our in-ring days so from an education standpoint it’s more of a “getting back on the horse” deal then learning something new… or is it? So where do we fall with working out on keto?

10 Years Ago We Were Machines

10-years ago when we were aggressively training, we would carb load before and after a workout. This was the accepted practice at the time. A quick look at our former diet during those times shows carbs in the range of 200 to 300 a day. We take in less then 20 now. Will that effect our energy, will it prohibit muscle growth, and can be sustain it?

Doing some research on the subject is like research for anything related to keto. It’s mixed. Some “experts” say there is no way for the body to grow and repair itself with the restrictions placed on it by keto. Other “experts” say the protein counts of keto will give you plenty of muscle regeneration, and fat as fuel is a longtime accepted practice.

What Do Experts Say About Working Out on Keto

So, what experts do we believe?

There is one expert out there I turn to time and time again when it comes to a ketogenic lifestyle and how it effects my body. That expert is me. No one can feel what I feel or give me the magic formula that will change how I feel.

Conventional wisdom when it comes to weightlifting will have you eat heavy carbs before and after to both gain energy and replenish it after the workout. However, now I am intensely working out after a 12 hour fast and then following that with a large breakfast the consists mainly of proteins and fats. I never take in more then 3 carbs for that first meal of the day.

Working Out On Keto
Koopa has never been one for a “workout”

Am I okay?

I seem to be. Other than the strength I lost due to the mass I’ve lost I’m lifting heavy and there is much more energy in the tank then I expected. We are too early in the process to say if recovery is an issue. We’ve been sore, but with the intensity we walked right into I would expect nothing less. In fact, I haven’t really noticed a difference either way. I don’t experience the euphoria I used to when working out, but I also don’t need that carb fix to push me through.

The Differences Working Out on Keto

I wish I had some profound difference between keto workouts and carb fueled workouts, but I don’t. I still find the process monotonous and not that enjoyable, but that has nothing to do with my keto life.

It appears that all the talk I hear from others that they can’t do keto because it would affect their workouts is just another in a long line of excuses people use to avoid the change. Just a heads up to those reading this that are using this or any other excuse. You don’t have to justify anything to us… were not asking you to try keto, were helping if you chose to.

As far as working out goes we’re not talking about competitive pro athletes here. This is us everyday users that want to get in better physical shape. There is data on both sides of this argument that points to the use of ketones as fuel as a solid source, especially in endurance athletes.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

That is something you can weigh the pros and cons of and come up with the best decision for YOU. Your body will show you the direction it needs to go in. It might be keto, it might be high protein, but the only 100% thing I can tell you about working out and keto is this:

You’re the best one to dictate how you do it. You’re the true expert of you.

Now friends I must go lift up something heavy and put it down.


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