Smile – You’re on Keto!

Smile You're on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 31, 2022

I saw a joke on Twitter by James Alvarez (@ObscureGent). This should make you smile if you’re on keto.

Me: *opens door*

Jehovah’s Witness: Can I talk to you about the lord?

Me: Can I talk to you about my new keto diet?

Jehovah’s Witness: Can we just pretend like I never knocked?

Me: sure

This made me laugh.  #SmileDay is about finding humour in your day and smiling more.  Smiling is a direct link to our brain and it helps reduce stress.  The day was founded by Dr. Tim Stirneman and Jim Wejdyla from a dentist office.  Of course, they have an ulterior motive to get you to smile.  It helps their pocket books!  But those of us on keto find reasons to smile every day.

You’re on Keto and It Can Be Funny

It’s great if you can poke a little fun at yourself and not take yourself too seriously.  We who are on keto tend to take our lifestyle very seriously.  In many ways, we should take it seriously!  But this joke is evidence that once we become keto advocates, we tend to tell everyone who will listen about what we do and why we do it.  

Look at Bill and I!  We went from being unsure about what we were doing to trying to help others who want to change their lifestyle.  It has become a passion for us, which makes us happy.  I am constantly learning new skills around writing, planning videos, planning podcasts, taking pictures, and doing social media.  I love to learn, so this also makes me happy.  And finally, I get to do all this with my best friend and partner.  That definitely makes me smile.

The health benefits of keto makes me smile.  I feel so much healthier than I used to.  We haven’t had many colds going around because we’ve all been wearing masks, but when there is one going around I feel confident I can fight it off.  My body just feels better.  I also love the constant energy I have all day long.  

You're on keto
We Smile A Lot More Now!

It makes me smile when people we have known for years don’t recognize us.  Bill gets this a lot more than I do.  He does look completely different than he did a couple of years ago.  In fact, sometimes if we get separated in a store, it takes me a while to recognize him! It gives me confidence to know that my weight loss and increase in self-esteem has made me look different than I did.

Before the Weight Loss

Two years ago, I was heavy, but I was also insecure about how I looked and how I felt.  I was self-conscious about eating in front of other people.  I felt like people were judging me, but really I was the harshest judge of them all.  Today, I wear my hair naturally curly, I wear clothing that makes me feel pretty, and I feel better about myself than I have in years!

Oh, and the pretty clothes!  Buying clothing in a size medium makes me smile!  I like being able to go into the stores with regular sized clothing and feel confident I can find my size.  I remember the first time I went into Banana Republic after my weight loss.  Mind you, I’m too cheap to buy anything from them, but I fit into their clothing.

Finally, it makes me smile when I hear the excuses people make not to do keto.  People are constantly asking me how I lost 65 pounds.  When I tell them, I make sure they know that it was a lot of work and dedication.  Keto is not easy, it is about making constant, healthier choices every single day.  Then I hear, “Oh, I can’t do that” or “Give up sugar? No thank you!”  It makes me smile because if it was easy, everyone would do it and be at a healthy weight.

What makes you smile?  Take a few minutes today to reflect on how keto makes you happy.  


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