Spring Motivations to Stay with Keto

spring motivations

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on March 16, 2023

It’s been a long winter, full of dreary days and cold temperatures. However, days are getting longer and birds are starting to migrate back to our area. It’s March, and that means spring! Mind you, we’ve had more snow so far this month than we have all winter, but there is hope knowing that spring is coming. I thought it might be time to look at our spring motivations to keep going with keto!

Activities as Spring Motivations

10. One of the most motivating activities in spring is gardening. Well, not for me personally, but a lot of people enjoy it. Gardening when on keto can offer two pieces of motivation. Firstly, you are doing a physical activity – bending, squatting, and lots of movement. Secondly, you can plant low carb vegetables you can then eat on a keto diet. Win-win!

9. Do a spring activity you love, such as riding motorcycles. We have cold winters here in Nova Scotia, so we have to put our motorcycles away around the first of November. Then, we long for the days when we can dig them out of storage and start riding them again. Keto gives me the energy I need to put in a day at work and then ride all evening. That’s motivation enough to keep me going with keto!

8. Do your workouts outside. I’m starting a “two weeks of” blog on walking every day. Spring means that you can do your workout outside and keto gives me the energy to do it!

Health Motivations

7. See your doctor and check your blood work. Okay, this may seem like the opposite of a motivation. Why would you want to get poked with a needle? Well, because the results are so satisfying when you hear that your glucose levels are normal, your cholesterol is good, and your thyroid is normal too. It gives you the reassurance that what you are doing is working, so keep going!

spring motivations
Maybe Goomba will be motivated to play more!

6. Enjoy the energy you have. All those activities you want to do are doable when you are on keto. This spring, we are working on our business and you know I’m motivated for that!

5. Enjoy clarity of thought and good mental health. Along with physical health, keto also gives you good mental health. Your thoughts are clearer and you can handle the stress of daily living better. If you think back to before you did keto, you’ll realize how much better life is when your thoughts are clear and you have the awareness of when your anxiety is lying to you.

Social Spring Motivations

4. Once people dig out of the snow piles, we like to get together with friends. Plan a dinner party with your friends and show them how delicious keto food can be! Or, go to a restaurant and let them drool over your flavour filled meal.

3. Join a support group for keto people. We all need people in our lives who understand what keto is all about and why we do it. Whether in person or online, find people who will support you.

Self-Esteem Spring Motivations

2. Buy a cute spring outfit and take selfies. Post some of them on social media. Positive attention is a great motivator. Just make sure you don’t have haters on your friends list. For example, I post pictures I like of myself on my personal account. If I’m unsure, I don’t post on our business sites. But, hey, if I feel cute, I go for it!

1. Look at some “before” pictures and compare them with your “after” pictures. Bill has many people comment all the time that they don’t recognize him from his old pictures. When you’re feeling like you’re not making the strides you once were, take a look at yourself before you started keto. Yes, you were beautiful. You’re still beautiful. Now, you’re healthy too and it shows.


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