Strict Keto Is One of the Big 4

strict keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 12, 2023

There are many kinds of keto, so we are going to look at the most commonly researched: strict, lazy, clean, and dirty.  We will do this in a 4-part series, one blog for each kind of keto.  If you are starting out trying to find information on keto, the different types can be very confusing.  We’re going to break that down for you.  Then, part 5 of this series will be a discussion of what we do and why. Today we look at strict keto.

What is Strict Keto?

Strict keto is what people usually are talking about when they discuss keto.  It is sticking to the macros percentages that are typically used with keto: 5% carbs, 75% fats, 20% proteins.  You usually start out with no more than 20 grams of net carbs a day.  Some go as low as 15 grams.  Strict keto is about counting all your macros and your calories to make sure you are staying on track. 

This makes it easier to tell when you are going into a state of ketosis and ensures that you stay there.  Many people use a carb tracking app to help with recording all the macros, such as Carb Manager or My Fitness Pal.  We just used a pen and paper, because we would rather write than put all that into our phone app every few hours.

The Pros of Strict Keto

Strict keto is most often prescribed to people who have chronic illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy or (as in Bill’s case) hyperinsulinism.  It can reduce the medications people need to take and help people feel a level of control over their conditions and their health in general. 

Strict keto is very helpful when learning how to get your body into ketosis.  It tracks what you are eating, so it also helps you identify what works and what doesn’t work.  Everyone is different.  Some people can take in 30 grams of net carbs a day and still be in ketosis.  For others, it may be 15 net grams of carbs will get them into ketosis.  Seeing what you did that worked can be very helpful if things start to slip.

Staying in Ketosis

Speaking of slipping, strict keto keeps you on track and in ketosis.  If you start to slide into old habits, you will know right away if you are tracking your macros.  I remember one day, I thought I was doing well, but I was snacking throughout the day.  When I looked at my overall numbers, I realized I had taken in 20 grams of net carbs and it wasn’t dinnertime yet!  Oops.  It was time to reevaluate my snacking.  This helped me stay in ketosis (I had no carbs at dinnertime) and it helped me realize I was sliding off track without even realizing it. 

strict keto
There is nothing strict about Link.

Most of the information you get online refers to strict keto.  So, if you are like us and you like to do your own research, know that the benefits and risks articles refer to are usually referring to strict keto unless they state differently.

The Cons of Strict Keto

For years, the keto diet was used as a way to control seizures with epilepsy, particularly for children.  Because it meant tracking all the information on what you eat, this went by the wayside when anti-convulsant medication became available.  Why?  Because tracking everything is time consuming and takes a lot of dedication. 

You eat at home, at work, and out with friends.  You either have your app open at all these times and rudely are on your phone while you eat, or you have a notebook you take with you everywhere to write it all down.  It can be a lot.  It’s also easy to miss tracking things.  If you eat something at work and forget to put it in your information, you aren’t getting a true reading of what your macros are. 

It can be difficult to find information.  I have looked for information and even on the same app, the nutritional information is different.  What are the net grams of carbs for broccoli?  How much broccoli?  Is it cooked or raw?  How small do you chop it up?  Is it broccoli or broccolini? 

Macro Questions

Everything comes into question.  We’ve also found that Carb Manager tend to list American information, which is different from Canadian information.  There are often small differences in products, even if it is the same brand name.  My Fitness Pal tends to have more Canadian information, but its sole purpose is not to count carbs so it can be a bit trickier to use for tracking your keto macros unless you use the paid version.  We are too cheap for that!

Strict keto also discourages you from using artificial sweeteners or, of course, sugar.  This means you are putting your body through these changes plus giving up anything sweet cold turkey.  Not using sweeteners helps to put you into ketosis but once you’re fat adapted, many people will take in some baked goods with their favourite sweetener.  Strict keto frowns on that.

So, that’s the low down on strict keto.  Stay tuned for our next part in the series when we look at lazy keto.


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