The Difference Between Paleo and Keto

Paleo and Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on August 3, 2022

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the differences and similarities with the paleo diet and the keto diet. One of the frequently asked questions is which one is better? Well, in my opinion, keto is better, but that’s just because it’s what I do and it really isn’t based on any facts. I decided maybe it was time to take a closer look and answer once and for all what is the difference between paleo and keto?

The Basics of Paleo and Keto

People who follow the paleo way of eating only eat what our ancestors ate when we were hunters and gatherers. They eat lean meats, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and tubers. They do not eat things that are processed, such as grains, sugar, or processed foods such as trans fats and artificial sweeteners. Some people eat dairy products, others do not. Paleo people take in 30% of their calories in protein, 40% of their calories in fats, and 30% of their calories in carbs.

People who follow the keto way of eating cut down their carb intake to the point that their bodies switch over to burning fat instead of carbs. We eat fatty meats, fish, low-carb vegetables, dairy, nuts, seeds and eggs. We stay away from grains, sugars, and highly processed foods like vegetable oils. Some people eat artificial sweeteners, and some do not, depending on how strictly they follow the keto principles. Keto people take in 75% of their calories in fat, 5% of their calories in carbs, and 20% of their calories in protein.

Differences between Paleo and Keto

Keto is not really based on a principle like eating only what our ancestors ate. I understand the premise, but it’s just not something I can get passionate about. If it strikes a chord with you, great. To me, it’s not a motivating factor to stick to a way of eating.

The macros are obviously different. Paleo still allows for 30% of your calories to come from carbs. This keeps you in a carb burning place. Keto, on the other hand, only allows for 5% of your calories to come from carbs (about 20 grams a day).

Paleo and Keto
Goomba is giving Link the low down on Paleo.

The lack of carbs ingested with keto changes your body over into fat burning mode. Is it good for you? How long is it good for? Those are questions still being researched, but I’m coming into year 2 and I feel great. It is interesting to note that most of our ancestors would have done this switch throughout the year when they were hunting and gathering, as winter would have been heavy on protein and fat, while there would not be access to carbs.

Similarities Between the Two Ways of Eating

I think we can all agree that both paleo and keto are a way of life – not a diet. Many critics feel that people cannot sustain these “restrictive” methods. I truly don’t see it as any more or less restrictive than cutting out sugar if you are a diabetic, or cutting out salt from your diet if you have high blood pressure. If your motivation is your health, you will stick to it and make it work for you. If your motivation is to go on a diet to lose weight, you’re likely not going to succeed.

Critics of these ways of eating fear that the elimination of some foods will lead to nutritional deficits. Fair enough, for some things. Cutting out sugar will be the best thing you ever do for yourself. But some things, like fruit on keto, or dairy on paleo, do have beneficial nutrients and vitamins. It’s important to keep in touch with your body and add supplements as needed. Go to a doctor and get yearly blood work if you feel concerned. I guarantee that the results will show this way of eating is healthier than the typical North American diet.

Final Decision between Paleo and Keto

Paleo is a more low-carb way of eating. Keto is a high-fat way of eating. Both seem to have their benefits and their critics. Whichever one you choose, I think it is important just to be committed to your health. Keto offered me a chance to learn how to think about what I was eating, rather than just putting food in my mouth. I stopped relying on food to get me through a tough day. I still enjoy food, but I’m more conscious of what I am eating and why.

Whatever way of eating resonates with you, make the choice of being healthy. If one way doesn’t work for you, change it. Keto has worked for me and my family so that’s what I’m going with. That doesn’t mean paleo is bad or won’t work for you. It’s your body, your health, so it’s your choice.


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