The Importance of Customer Service Day

Customer Service Day

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 17, 2023

Customer service is one of the most challenging jobs out there. As a customer, service can make or break an experience. You will leave happy, or leave with a bitter taste in your mouth. Speaking of bitter taste, customer service is so important to people doing keto – particularly when you are ordering in a restaurant. This is why customer service day is important to talk about!

My Experience Providing Customer Service

I worked in hospitality for years. I get it – it’s hard. People can be cranky and rude. I’ve had people snap their fingers at me. I have so many stories of people who were just plain mean to me – and even one or two who threatened to kill me. It’s a tough gig! I learned the art of being professionally friendly. It’s not really the genuine me, but I had to protect myself a little bit.

The Importance of Customer Service Day as a Keto Customer

I find ordering at a restaurant difficult. I am a naturally introverted person and a people pleaser. It’s important to me that people like me. So, asking questions about the nutrition of something on the menu or asking for changes to the items is not easy. I’m not trying to make your life as a server more difficult. And, I will appreciate the accommodations you make for me.

On the flip side, please don’t make my life difficult. There is no need to make fun of me, my questions, and my choices. Bill had an experience at Boston Pizza that was horrible. The server mocked him to his coworkers who were sharing the meal with him. They were less than helpful with the nutritional information. It embarrassed Bill, and he has not been back there.

Customer Service Day
We had amazing customer service at Chef Abods.

On our way to PEI for a motorcycle rally, we stopped in New Brunswick for dinner. I kept it very simple and asked for a hamburger with just mayo for a sauce and no bun. The server could not understand why I would not want a bun. She kept questioning me. When I explained I was on keto, she rolled her eyes and looked at my friends like they were traveling with a crazy woman. My friends, being friends, explained that I just didn’t want a bun. It was horrible, and I will not go back there because of that experience.

Celebrating Customer Service Day

If we have a good customer service experience, we will go back somewhere. Even if it’s a restaurant whose food is not exceptional, we will likely go back if we have a great experience with the people there. There is a place nearby that has okay food, but we go there quite often when we are going out to eat. They are accommodating, and the servers are great. They know what is in their food and will often verify other things we are ordering. Once I forgot to order my Caesar salad without croutons and the server asked me about them, giving me the option to have my salad without. That’s customer service!

BarBurrito has been a great experience. First of all, their app is easy to use and we are able to customize our burrito bowls. They confirm with us that we do not want rice or beans, and the owner will often hook us up with a little extra meat or cheese. Mind you, we likely eat there a little too often, but they know who we are, and they are familiar with our orders.

Keto-Friendly Restaurants on Customer Service Day

So, what makes a restaurant keto friendly for us? Those who make it easy. Restaurants who actually have keto options are great. Even places like 5 Guys and A&W have lettuce wraps offered, and it’s so nice to just order off the menu. If they don’t have keto options listed, it’s nice when servers know what is in the food and can answer our questions. Even better is when they know what you can and cannot change with a menu item.

Servers who work with us are the ones who earn the gold star in our books. There is no need to comment on our keto questions and requests. There are many people who have dietary concerns and need specific changes to their food. Also, there is no need to quiz us for 20 minutes on why and how we do keto. We just want to eat. I don’t mind a question or two, but there was one server who I thought was going to pull up a chair to quiz us. Just read the site…lol.

Rewarding Good Service

It’s important that we reward the behaviour we want to see. When we get good service, especially at a restaurant, we are pretty nice people. If you show us a good attitude, you get a pleasant attitude back. I always use my manners (Bill usually does too) and, I promise, we will never snap our fingers at you! We will recommend you to our friends and family. And we will tip you well. We’ve been there – we know the importance of showing appreciation with money!


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