The Importance of Water on Keto

water on keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 16, 2023

Keto is becoming bigger and bigger as people realize they have to change their food habits for their health. We know that obesity is a problem that is negatively affecting our health care system. Obesity is a risk factor in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, strokes, and type 2 diabetes. So, you would think that turning to keto to reduce your health risks would be a no-brainer. Today we look at keto rule number four – drinking lots of water on keto.

Why is Water on Keto so Important?

No matter what way you eat, health professionals will tell you to drink lots of water. Everyone knows that water is good for you. For one thing, it helps keep your digestive system moving. Keto is no different. In fact, it may be even more important to drink lots of water on keto. When your body is making ketones, it retains less water. This is great for your appearance. It may not be so good for our bodies if we don’t stay hydrated.

Why We Struggle with Water on Keto

One reason that our bodies don’t retain as much water is that we don’t take in a lot of salt on keto. Salt helps the body retain water and electrolyte levels. On keto, you don’t eat much (or any) in the way of packaged foods which typically contain high levels of sodium. You also have more energy, so you are more active and you need more water.

Finally, some of the foods that help maintain electrolytes are not keto-friendly. Things like potatoes, milk, yogurt, raisins, canned foods and fruit high in natural sugars help maintain electrolytes. They are also no-go’s on keto. So, how do you keep electrolytes in your body? Focus on the keto-friendly foods that do the job. This includes avocados (is there anything they can’t do?), broccoli, almonds, fish, turkey, chicken, olives, and fish. You have options!

water on keto
Link knows the importance of getting water

What Happens When your Body Needs More Water?

Your body has many ways to tell you if you need more water. Of course, the most obvious one is that you will get thirsty. But, if you don’t listen to your body when it gently gives you clues, it will get a little more aggressive. You may experience muscle cramps (aka charley horses). It can cause sudden drops in blood pressure, which will cause you to feel dizzy, have tunnel vision, and even faint. Your urine will also be dark.

The Benefits of Getting Enough Water

Water will keep you producing ketones and keep your body working effectively. It keeps your energy up and you feel good. Also, from a weight loss perspective, water helps keep you feeling full so you don’t turn to snacks as often. Our body needs water or it will start to shut down. It’s estimated that people can go about three days without water before our bodies completely give up on us – in other words, we die.

A Personal Look at Water on Keto

I was working in a bakery when I started keto. It was in an older building, so there were no sophisticated heat exchange systems. We baked bread that needs heat to rise, so we couldn’t have air conditioners on. It was hot.

I couldn’t seem to catch up to my water needs and I experienced the symptoms I mentioned above. I would wake up in agony with charley horses in my legs in the middle of the night. If I stood up quickly, I felt dizzy and would get tunnel vision. There was one day that I almost passed out.

I started doing some research, and realized my body needed more water and electrolytes. I was drinking water constantly – I just couldn’t seem to get enough into me. So, I bought some Gatorade Zero. It has electrolytes, but no sugar. Suddenly, I felt a lot better. I would drink one of them a day and my symptoms improved dramatically.

A Final Thought About Water on Keto

It can be hard to get enough water. We turn to other drinks because they taste, well, like something. I love coffee and I need to be sure I’m balancing this with water. So, at work I drink a coffee and then I drink about half a liter of water. Before keto, I used to have a can of Pepsi every night with my supper. It’s something I missed. But, then I found Bubly. It’s just carbonated water with a bit of natural flavouring. There are no calories, no carbs, no nothing. But, it helps with that craving of just a little something extra. It fills the spot.


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