The Importance of Writing About Keto

Importance of Writing

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on November 15, 2022

Writing has been an important part of humans’ history.  We began by telling stories, and then someone found a way to write those stories down so they stayed with us for generations.  One of the earliest known works of literature is called “Epic of Gilgamesh” from 3400 BC.  In 800 BC, the Iliad and Odyssey were written – Greek classics.  Every November 15, according to National Today, is I Love To Write Day.  It was started by an author named John Riddle in 2002 from Delaware.  Today is a day to reflect on the importance of writing and to actually go ahead and do some writing of your own!

The Importance of Writing To Me

Reading and writing has been a central part of my life from the time I can remember.  Before I could do either independently, I was enjoying bedtime stories with my family.  As a child, I was not someone who liked to run around much.  I would much rather find a cozy corner and write.  I never feel like I am alone if I have a notebook and a pen.  

At every significant point in my life, I have turned to writing.  When I went through a divorce, I went down to the ocean and wrote my heart out.  Shortly after that, I started dating Bill, I chronicled the adventures with a pen and notebook.  When our daughter was born, I wrote her a letter to ensure she knew how much she meant to us.  And, when we turned to keto due to health concerns, I started writing about it.

Importance of Writing
Link loves to “write” with us.

The Importance of Writing a Keto Blog

When Bill and I started keto, it was not easy.  The science is a bit difficult and the emotion of grief and loss of the foods we had turned to for comfort are even more difficult!  I started writing everything down because I needed to process it all.  Turning to keto is a huge commitment and lifestyle change.  I needed to write it down so I could figure it all out.

Once I had a good understanding of keto and the feelings around it, I wanted to share that knowledge.  Social media posts show that people struggle and sometimes, even if it is for health reasons, they give up doing keto because it is too much change.  I want to write about our highs and lows of keto to help people process their own lifestyle choices.  My goal is to make it easier to start and keep with keto, if that is what they want to do.  

The Downside of Writing

So, writers are well known for procrastinating. We struggle with actually sitting down and writing.  Why wouldn’t we just write, if we love to write?  It’s complicated.  I’m part of a Facebook group that pokes fun at how we all do this.  I love to write, but I need to have a quiet space so I can focus.  If I have other things on my list to do, I find those things distracting and I can’t get down to actually writing.  I need a comfortable area that is free from distractions before I can get my thoughts down to paper (or keyboard).

It’s a weird kind of hobby where I love to write, but it’s also a burden to write.  Luckily, I have deadlines for this blog, so it pushes me to actually do it.  I spend most of the week researching the information for articles and then I spend the weekend at the computer, actually writing of the blogs.  It’s a process, but it’s working for me.

The Importance of Writing for You

I stay motivated to keep writing these blogs by the comments and readers of it.  Every once in a while, I get a message that my words have helped someone who is struggling with keto, and it warms my heart.  I truly do love writing, so doing this every week makes me feel fulfilled and useful.  So, thank you everyone for reading the stuff I write.  It keeps me doing what is important to me.


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