There are many kinds of keto, so we are going to look at the most commonly researched: strict, lazy, clean, and dirty. We will do this in a 4-part series, one blog for each kind of keto. If you are starting out trying to find information on keto, the different types can be very confusing. We’re going to break that down for you. Then, part 5 of this series will be a discussion of what we do and why. Today is lazy keto.
What is Lazy Keto?
Lazy keto is, in some ways, the opposite of strict keto. If you want to read about strict keto, read Part 1 of this blog here. With Lazy keto, you only track your carb intake to ensure you stay under the 20 grams a day and stay in ketosis. There isn’t as much focus on food quality, so processed meats and sweeteners are okay.
The Pros of Lazy Keto
Lazy keto is usually seen as more sustainable in the long term. Being able to use sweeteners means that you can satisfy that craving for a sweet treat without returning to sugar and simple carbs that will kick you out of ketosis before you can say, “Is this keto.”
It’s also nice to be able to incorporate some processed foods, like pepperoni, into your diet. Not only is it a delicious snack, it is also quick and easy. Road trips and vacations are easier with lazy keto because you can pick up a snack pack of pepperoni and cheese at the service station and keep enjoying going. You don’t need to pack a cooler of keto-friendly foods from home.

Lazy keto can be less expensive than strict and clean keto simply because you are not as focused on having organic, sustainable, grass-fed foods. Do I want my chicken to be free from antibiotics and free range? Sure, for the most part that is a good, ethical way to eat. But the last time we went to buy chicken at the grocery store, 2 chicken breasts that were labelled as “grain-fed, free range” was $15.
I’m sorry, did they have servants while they were eating the grains???? I was a vegetarian for years, so ensuring our food is raised in the proper way and are free from cruel practices is important to me. I grew up on a farm, so having food that is free from pesticides and offers the growers a fair wage is also important to me. But I also have to budget a set amount for food and it is a balance. Lazy keto lets you slide into the “un-organic” side of things every once in a while.
The Cons of Lazy Keto
So, you can eat some processed foods and eat desserts that use sweeteners. What’s the downside of lazy keto? The big con is that you may not get as many health benefits with lazy keto as you do with strict keto. When you take in sugar alcohols (i.e. sweeteners) your body burns that first. This means that your body is not working as efficiently as it does when you are doing strict keto. This can be more problematic as time goes on and your body adjusts to keto.
If you start to stall in your weight loss, this may be why. Also, if you are doing keto for a health condition, lazy keto may not give you the same benefits to regulate it as strict keto will.
If you start out on lazy keto, it can be more difficult to get the hang of tracking your carbs and it may take you longer to get into ketosis. Lazy keto has been known to increase the length of the dreaded keto flu. Also, if you aren’t watching your calorie intake, it can be easy to take in too many calories. That is going to affect your ability to lose weight.
That’s right, unfortunately keto doesn’t mean you get to eat bacon all day, every day and keep the scale pointed downwards. This also brings up the point that there is not the focus on getting all the nutrients you need with lazy keto. While bacon is yummy, it doesn’t have a lot of the nutrients and vitamins you need. Follow mom’s advice and eat your veggies!
Is it Healthy?
Is lazy keto still a healthy option? Compared to what we as Canadians and Americans usually eat, it is still a much healthier option. Will you stay in ketosis with lazy keto? You sure will because you are tracking your carb intake. Will you feel as superior as you do when eating strict keto and only taking in whole foods? Not so much. So, the choice is yours.
In our next part of this series, we will look at dirty keto. Stay tuned!