Things I Like Since Starting Keto

Since Starting Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 9, 2022

Before I started keto, I was all about the sweet snacks. I put sugar in my spaghetti sauce. I ate Nibs like, well, like they were candy. Sugar is well known for many health risks, but we don’t talk a lot about how it affects your entire palate. Since starting keto, my tastes have changed and I enjoy the occasional bitter flavour and spices. As I was drinking a low-carb beer at the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby, I started to think about how I have changed in the past two years. Here is my Top 10 list of things I like since starting keto in August, 2020.

The Food I Like Since Starting Keto

10 – Spices – Like I said, I now enjoy spicy food. It’s still pretty mild compared to many people, but I like a little heat in my food. We have gone through an entire bottle of cumin and the cayenne pepper spice is lower than it’s ever been!

9 – Carbonated water – I hated carbonated water before I started keto. It just seemed like a soda that someone forgot to put sugar into. Now, I am a Bubly addict!

8 – Bitter Tastes – I have never liked beer. At Wharf Rat Rally, it was really hot and the only option they had for low carb was Michelob Ultra. So, in desperation, I bought one. And I totally enjoyed it! Now that I’m not hooked on sweet things, I can enjoy the flavour. Similarly, I now enjoy the taste of coffee for what it is, not the sweet creamer that used to fill my cup.

Learning and Sharing Information About Keto

7 – Driving – I have an hour commute to and from work each day. It used to be something I dreaded, and now I look forward to sitting down and listening to podcasts in the car. I have my notes set up so I can do a verbal note of things I hear and want to research more.

6 – Writing – It’s always been a passion of mine to write, but I always faltered a little bit on what the topic should be. I’m more of a non-fictional writer. Keto has given me an outlet for that passion and I enjoy sitting down and writing my blogs every week.

Since Starting Keto
Keto always like Angry Bird.

5 – Doing Research – In a million years, I would never have imagined that I would like doing research on nutrition. I am not, in any way, a scientist. But, I’ve enjoyed learning about my body on keto, macros, and how it all comes together into weight loss. And, I’ve enjoyed learning enough so I can put it in terms everyone can understand!

New Hobbies I Like Since Starting Keto

4 – Clothes Shopping – I’ve talked before about enjoying clothes shopping. Now being a size 12, I have a whole new appreciation for it. It used to be about finding the plus sized stores and going in to find a sale. Now, I can enter any store and find the sales. I have so many new options!

3 – Cooking – I have always hated cooking. Bill is the cook in the family. But, there is something about following a recipe and ending up with good, flavourful food that is helping us lose weight that is so rewarding! I also enjoy cooking everything ahead for the week, like cheesy biscuits for breakfast and a dessert for after dinner. I never thought I’d say that cooking was something I enjoyed!

2 – Taking pictures – If you see a picture of me from before I started keto, I am the one hiding in the background. I hated having my picture taken because I hated the way I looked. I’m still not a huge fan, but I don’t mind it as much. In fact, it’s kind of fun to take pictures for social media. I’m also enjoying the before and after photos and seeing the differences. Every time I think I haven’t made that big of a change, I look at the pictures from before we started keto. Guess what? There has been a change.

The Top Thing I Enjoy Since Starting Keto

1 – Riding Motorcycles – You might ask what riding motorcycles has to do with losing weight. Bill and I never would have tried it before keto. We just didn’t have the confidence. Now, it is one of our favourite pastimes. I love the feeling of freedom and the exhilaration of turning into a corner on two wheels.

So, that’s my Top 10 of things I’ve enjoyed since starting keto. It has truly been a life changing experience for me in so many ways. It’s brought Bill and I together in our passion for life and our dedication to each other. Thanks, keto. We appreciate it!


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