I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; keto is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle. Today is No Diet Day, and it seems like a good day to have a little rant about the fact that keto is not a quick fix fad diet. Seriously, scream it with me: KETO IS NOT A DIET!
Fad diets are popular in the Western world. Why? Because our way of eating and our dependence on foods that are convenient are making us fat. Once we gain the weight, we try to find shortcuts to lose it again. But the fad diets don’t look at the underlying issue of why we are gaining the weight in the first place. They don’t change our lifestyle, they just change what we eat for a while.
Diets Fade, But Keto Is Not A Diet
There are a few characteristics that all the fad diets share. They promise a quick fix. Most keto people will tell you that, while keto starts working quickly, it is not a quick fix. You can’t just go back to eating what you ate before and not regain the weight. It is a long-term commitment to your health. Once you go keto, it is very difficult to go back to using glucose (i.e. sugar from carbs) as your fuel.
Fad diets promote a magic food or combination of foods for weight loss. There is nothing magic about keto. It is a science-based, calculated determination of what you need to eat. It is based on eating 75% fat, 5% carbs, and 20% protein. This takes work and dedication, not magic. To do it properly, you need to plan ahead, prepare your foods, and eat mostly at home. It takes time and commitment and it is a long-term commitment.
Diets Restrict Things
Fat diets exclude or restrict food groups or nutrients. Well, yes, keto does restrict certain food groups, such as high-carb fruits and vegetables. But I would argue that all healthy eating guidelines do this. Nutritionists will tell you to restrict high-fat foods, such as red meats and full-fat dairy items. Long-term keto is about balance and making changes to the way you eat. This is not different from the advice you get from nutritional experts.

Fat diets have rigid rules that focus on weight loss. People who are successful on keto choose it as a way of life, not a way to lose weight. The rules of healthy keto living are similar to any other healthy way of eating – it’s about balance, getting the nutrients you need, and being aware of what you are putting into your body. It is not about perfection. There are so many benefits of eating keto! Weight loss is one of those benefits, but it’s certainly not the only one.
Fad diets make claims based on a single study or only testimonials. Keto, as I said before, is based in science. It has been used to treat epilepsy in children since the 1920’s. More and more research is being done all the time on keto – because it works. There aren’t long-term studies yet because researchers were not aware of it, but that is changing. And all research points to the fact that keto works.
Once Again Keto is Not a Diet
Can keto be used as a fad diet? Yes. Some people get on the keto train and lose some weight and then revert back to their old way of eating. Those people fail to keep the weight off. Many people start keto as a way to lose weight and then stay with it because of the many other benefits. They feel energized and healthy. Personally, I would never go back to the way I used to feel.
Is keto a lot of work? Yes. The biggest criticism nutritionists have of keto is that it is hard to stick to that way of eating. I would argue that their approach of eating, which is based on eating carbs, is more difficult to stick to than keto. I’m not a fan of whole grains – they tasted starchy and kind of like cardboard to me.
I tended to go towards sweeter fruits and vegetables, like corn and peas and melons. The more I ate of those, the hungrier I felt. Keto makes me feel full and satisfied. The fat offers good taste and keeps my love of food while not pushing me into the junk food I used to crave.
It’s important to treat keto as a lifestyle and not a fad diet. You need to ensure the carbs you are eating are ones that are full of nutrients and vitamins, like broccoli, asparagus, and avocado. You need to make sure you are drinking lots of water so you don’t get dehydrated. In my opinion, you don’t need to buy ketones or pills. It’s not a get-skinny-quick scam. It’s not a diet – it’s a way of life!