To Post About Keto or Not! That is the question!
When we started out with keto, we did not tell anyone outside of our immediate family that we had changed how we were eating. We didn’t post about it on Facebook. We didn’t post pictures on Instagram. We just kept it completely quiet on social media. Why? Because we didn’t want to hear all the opinions!
To Post About Keto or Your Weight
If you have struggled with your weight, you will know that everyone has an idea of how you should diet. “Just cut out sugar.” “Get more exercise.” “Eat nothing but eggs.” We had seen the videos, talked to the dieticians and tried every fad diet going. We never found anything that worked for us and that we could do long term. We knew how the experts said weight loss could happen, we just couldn’t seem to do it successfully.
In our experience, if we did start to lose some weight and posted about it on social media, the immediate response was “good for you!” Then if we gained it back, there were lots of opinions of what we did wrong. People on social media love a success story, but they also love a story of failure. So, we started keto quietly.
Quick Keto Results
We saw results on keto pretty quickly. People close to us were amazed and asked why we weren’t sharing our success with the world. Oh, no! We’d been down that road! We just weren’t ready yet. We didn’t want to post anything before we were confident that this was our new way of living.

Finally, when we had been on keto for about 8 months and we had done our research and made our mistakes, we were close to our ideal weights. Bill had lost over 100 pounds and Wendy had lost about 50 pounds. It was then that we decided to promote our success to our Facebook friends and family. We posted a picture of the two of us on social media and the internet blew up!
Keto Opinions
People who knew us were very happy for us and it felt good to bask in that success. Dozens of people wanted to know, “How did you do it?” How do you answer that? We were back to the issue of opinions. Keto is still a controversial topic. Some people love it and think it is the solution to all the world’s health problems. Others think it is horrible and hard on your body. A friend of ours who is a body builder gave us the perfect answer. He had shared our success on his social media and someone asked, “How did they do it?” He answered, “I’m assuming with hard work and teamwork.”
Post About Keto, But Be Prepared
If you put your keto journey on social media, you will get both positive and negative reactions thrown your way. We decided at the first of our journey that we didn’t want anyone else’s opinion to sway our decision of whether keto made sense for us, so we kept it private until we had confidence in our process. Obviously, we are now sharing our journey on social media because we want to help others in their journeys.
What you post on social media is certainly up to you. Just as it is your decision if keto is the right direction for you. These are just a few points to consider as you travel down the road to keto.