Top 10 Documentaries About Keto

documentaries about keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 27, 2023


When Bill and I first looked into keto, we knew we needed more information in a hurry. We started binge watching documentaries about keto. We got so much information about keto, but also about the nutrition industry. The more I watched, the more I realized that my weight issues were not all my fault. Sure, I ate my fair share of junk food, but the nutritional information I thought I knew may not be true. Documentaries about keto are a great way to get started in this lifestyle!

Documentaries about Keto and Sugar

Reading these blogs you know I have a real hatred for sugar. There are a couple of documentaries that focused on sugar being the culprit for obesity, rather than fat.

10. That Sugar Film – This film looks at the hidden sugars in food that is labeled as “healthy.” It’s on Amazon Prime and YouTube.

9. Sugar Coated – This film takes a dark look at the industry that is sugar promotion. They claim that sugar is now promoted like tobacco was historically – and we know how that turns out! You can find this one on YouTube. It’s definitely worth a watch!

Documentaries that Debunk the Myth that Fat is Bad

Of course, all the documentaries that promote keto are going to dispute the idea that fats are bad. However, these are some that are especially interesting and got us thinking in a different way.

8. Fat Fiction – This film we just watched a couple of weeks ago. It looks at how fat is the “bad guy” of foods and how maybe, just maybe, the health experts got it wrong. This film is a “who’s who” of keto experts.

7. Fat: A Documentary – Found on Amazon Prime, this documentary looks at why we just keep getting fatter. What if fat is actually part of a healthy diet but we are focusing on lowering fat?

documentaries about keto
Goomba just finds Keto documentaries keep him awake.

6. Why You Got Fat – This documentary breaks down how insulin and fat work in our bodies. It takes a lot of complicated science mumbo jumbo and makes it entertaining. You can find it on YouTube.

Documentaries about Keto and the Blame Game

If what health professionals tell us is true, are we just not listening? Or is something wrong with the information? When do we stop blaming the students and start questioning the teachers?

5. Fat Head – Tom Naughton looks at the science and politics around our nutrition recommendations. This documentary took the world by storm, and introduced us to some keto staples, such as fat head dough. You can find the video on Amazon and YouTube.

4. Fed Up – One of my favourite documentaries is “Fed Up,” featuring Katie Couric. This is the one that made me realize it wasn’t all my fault I could never lose weight. The industry focuses on exercise and eating a balanced diet, but fails to take into consideration that maybe the flaw is in the information. This one got me really fired up! You can find it on Amazon Prime.

3. What’s With Wheat – Wheat has changed over the years so farmers can get better yields from their crops. We are seeing more and more people with wheat sensitivities. What’s with that, and how does it affect our bodies? After seeing this one on Amazon Prime, I was happy my keto diet does not include wheat!

The Top 2 Documentaries about Keto

These two are probably the most well-known documentaries about keto, and the most controversial. If you are starting keto, I would certainly recommend them.

2. The Magic Pill – This documentary takes 7 people who have health concerns (including several children) and put them on the keto diet. It’s hugely controversial and doctors demanded Netflix take it down. There isn’t an ethics committee for this research, and it’s based on individual experiences. One woman who is struggling with cancer claimed that her tumor actually shrunk after eating keto. Too far? You be the judge. The documentary is still on YouTube.

1. First Do No Harm – This is the film that started it all. This wasn’t a documentary, but it chronicles the real life struggle a child had with epilepsy and how keto may have saved his life. This child’s father is Jim Abrahams, the director. It’s an older film that offers a dramatic plea for health professionals to look to keto when medication for seizures isn’t working.


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