What If We’re Wrong About Keto In The End?

Wrong About Keto

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on January 23, 2023

You’ll find this article in the news section of the website because lately we have been facing a lot of questions in the keto world that start with “what if.” What if keto hurts your kidneys, what if keto permanently damages your liver, what if all the animal fats are clogging your heart, and my personal favorite what if keto does more harm than good. So today I’ll explore all these questions wrapped up into one with: what if we’re wrong about keto?

The Risks of Being Wrong About Keto

Most of these articles are pointing to long term effects of keto and what can happen if you stay on it. Let’s be clear that long term research on keto is limited. Our lifestyle has been ignored by the medical community for so long that research was never done. With the explosion in popularity some big studies on long term effects are coming, but now we have limited data on both sides of the argument.

One of the issues that keto naysayers point to is kidney stones. Some studies have shown that an increase in animal meat can increase the likelihood of painful stones. I say painful from firsthand experience. I’ve had two very painful surgeries to remove stones, so I have a little insight. If we are wrong about keto and you develop stones long term is can cause kidney disease. But do let me add that both my bouts of stones were before I did keto, and I haven’t had an issue with them since.

What About Nutrient Deficiencies

Another article points to the link between nutrient deficiencies and keto. It is true this can happen, but it can also be easily addressed through proper nutrition. But for the sake of argument if we are wrong about keto a long-term lack of proper nutrients could lead to many things such as blood issues, mental health, and poor bone health.

This moves us along to the elephant in the room. Heart disease. You don’t have to look far to find keto haters point to the fat ingested on keto leading to clogged arteries and heart issues. Even though this has been proven wrong time and time again it keeps popping up. But once again let’s put that science to the side and pretend we were wrong. You could in fact die from a heart attack.

Recapping What Happens if We’re Wrong About Keto

Breaking down what we just talked about if we’re wrong about keto by ignoring science (albeit limited science) we could have long term effects that could or may lead to everything from kidney stones to even death. That is drastic and scary. I can see why people can be nervous when talking about changing their lives over to keto.

Wrong About Keto
Koopa tells me I’m wrong about a lot of things.

Before we move to the next section let me share this quote taken directly from the Center for Disease Control or CDC: “Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. These are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death.”

Even If We’re Wrong About Keto Will It Matter

Now it’s time for a little conjecture on my part. If we are in fact wrong, will it matter if you’re running around overweight. I was a fat guy. 5’8 and over 350-pounds. Yet I would say I wouldn’t go on keto because I feared what it would do to my body.

As we covered before the absolute worst thing keto could do is ultimately death. Well guess what folks? Obesity is absolutely proven to cause death and some very awful things while you’re on that ride. How could I fear what keto could do to my body. When just existing in my current overweight state was so much worse.

Enjoy It While You Have It

If we are throwing caution to the wind here and saying both keto and obesity cause death, then let’s look at the pros of the each. The only pro to being overweight I can think of is you don’t have to change a thing and your taste buds will remain happy for the short remainder of your days.

Looking at the pros of keto, we can assume that weight has come off and you’re out living your life everyday trying new adventures. Even simple new adventures like being able to bend over and tie your shoes to walking to the store are things you couldn’t do overweight. Accomplishments like enjoying fitting into seats on the airplane and the compliments from friends on how amazing you look.

We can take that further and look at medically what changed for me personally since keto. My sleep apnea is gone, my kidney issues have cleared up, my sleep medication has decreased, my blood work is the best it’s been in 20 years, and most importantly my hyperinsulinism is under control.

The Bottom Line

There isn’t one second that goes by that I think I’m wrong about keto, but let’s face facts. Even if I am, the outcome will be the same. But in the keto scenario life is a lot happier than the days of being morbidly obese.


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