What Makes Me a Keto Nerd?

Keto Nerd

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on August 23, 2022

August 23rd each year celebrates Find Your Inner Nerd Day. A time to celebrate what makes you happy and unique. Most people associate it with things like Marvel and Star Wars. Although Wendy and I are both major fans of those “geeky” series, we have chosen being a keto nerd to share with the world what makes us nerdy.

Why I’m a Keto Nerd

As most of you know keto started for us as a way for me to avoid going on life altering medication to keep my heart pumping. The 165 pounds I dropped along the way was just a bonus to the goal of keeping me alive. Another bonus was my addiction for learning and sharing that knowledge with others.

If you think about what a nerd was, I fit the bill when it came to keto. Long hours in front of books and documentaries absorbing as much knowledge as possible. Weight was coming off at the same time, so I was even pushing my glasses back up the bridge of my nose because they didn’t fit anymore. I was a walking, talking, stereotypical nerd.

Celebrate Your Nerdiness

Find Your Inner Nerd Day is a chance to show the world your obsession. Your pleasure. For me that is keto. I took all of that learning and moved it to Married to Keto. Wendy and I became keto teachers and longed to share our knowledge. Based on that alone I think keto fits the bill for nerd and I chose to spend today celebrating that.

keto nerd
I’ve been a nerd for years! Just a heavier version here.

There is an old joke that says: How do you know if someone is on keto? They tell you!

This joke hits close to home because for some reason people act like they don’t want to know about keto, yet they all seem to ask a lot of questions.

Questions for the Keto Nerd

With our drastic weight loss, the number one question we get is: how did you do it? We never open a conversation with keto, contrary to popular belief, but most end that way. Obviously being in the business we are, when we get this question, we say keto. However, we do not elaborate. This is out of respect and to avoid the cliché of that old joke.

But what does happen is the questions start coming at us and we end up spending countless minutes dispelling myths and telling people the virtues of our lifestyle. Unfortunately, when we don’t give them the answers they want, or have science to back up our beliefs we get the “nerd” label.

Positives of Being a Keto Nerd

So why would we celebrate something that is a label or considered a negative in the health space? Because it’s the only way to make it an acceptable practice. Years and years ago those same people that celebrated Star Wars and Marvel Comics were laughed at and mocked. Then a little show called the Big Bang Theory came along and changed the game. It made being a nerd not only acceptable, but fun.

That show came around due to a group of writers that believed in people who were “nerds” being funny and relatable. Imagine if that could happen with keto. The benefits to those who want a different path and those currently on it would be immeasurable.

Imagine a TV show where people eat a keto lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be the forefront, just in the background of how the characters live their life. A group of healthy and interesting people that just view nutrition different. Keto would instantly be an acceptable practice.

The Keto Takeaway

The takeaway for me on this little rant is we need to take days like Find Your Inner Nerd Day to celebrate keto. Let’s share it with the world. Not to convert everyone to our way to thinking, but to just make it an acceptable practice in the eyes of many. Imagine a world where you could say no bun and they didn’t look at you like you had three heads.

Afterall, even Iron Man himself Robert Downey Jr sang the praises of keto.


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