Women on Keto During Pregnancy

keto during pregnancy

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on June 22, 2022

This is part two of a series that is looking specifically at how women on keto are affected by this lifestyle. I know this is going to be a shock to everyone, but here it is; women are different from men. Okay, okay, so this isn’t news. It also isn’t news that women’s hormones are different than men’s hormones. So why is it surprising that women on keto will experience this lifestyle differently than men? This blog is looking at keto during pregnancy – certainly something that is specific to women.

Using Keto When Trying to Get Pregnant

I have heard many stories of women using keto when they want to get pregnant. Like I said in Part 1 of this series, keto is known for helping you lose weight, healing the body, and balancing out hormones. It can assist women in having more regular cycles, once they are adapted to keto. Doctors will often recommend keto if a woman is having difficulty getting pregnant.

Using Keto During Pregnancy

This one is more controversial. There are no controlled studies on this topic because it is seen as unethical to experiment with women’s nutrition while they are pregnant. It’s hard to argue with that! So, all we really know is first-hand stories from women who have been on keto while they were pregnant.

The “experts” in the field say that keto is not safe during pregnancy. Charlotte Anderson writes in an article on May 25, 2021 on the website, “What to Expect” that using ketones instead of glucose doesn’t work for growing babies. She cites research that states glucose from carbs is the primary energy source for the baby’s growth and development. Yet, Dr. Michael Fox points out in his research that historically, women have been keto at certain times in society due to food sources, and some of these women would therefore have been keto during pregnancy. Our human population has continued to thrive.

keto during prenancy
Only baby you will see in the Knowlton house might be a baby hippo!

My Personal Opinion of Keto During Pregnancy

When I was pregnant, I was sick during the entire 9 months. I consciously gave up caffeine, and I was a vegetarian so I didn’t eat meat. People were appalled that I didn’t eat meat while I was pregnant. My daughter turned out just fine (although she does love eating meat).

I tried to eat a healthy, balanced diet while pregnant, but because I couldn’t keep much down, I ended up eating whatever looked good at that moment. I lived on ice cream and not much else. If I had been able to eat keto, I guarantee it would have been healthier than what I ended up eating. And, maybe if I was eating keto I wouldn’t have felt so sick.

What We Do Know

There really is no research on eating keto during pregnancy. We only have anecdotal stories from women who continue on keto while they are pregnant. But, we do know that women should take prenatal vitamins, particularly folic acid supplements. We know that women who are pregnant should not fast. Finally, we know that women should eat foods that are filled with vitamins and nutrients. You can certainly do that on keto.

I would recommend that women should do what feels right to them. Keep in close contact with your doctor and get regular check up’s. Like every other situation, keto is a personal decision. You need to do what you think is right for you and your growing family. For me personally, I would consult with my doctor and make my decision based on the information I received from them.


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