Zero Carb Foods for Keto

Zero carb

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on April 13, 2023

When you start keto, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how many carbs are in the foods you eat. We keep our carb count under 20 grams a day. When there are 28 grams of carbs in one plain McDonald’s hamburger bun, it can seem like an impossible feat. But, we at Married to Keto have you covered. Here is our Top 10 list of zero carb foods you can use on keto.

Zero Carb Meat

Many meats have either no carbs or very few carbs – as long as they are in their natural form. For example, bacon shouldn’t have any carbs, but sometimes they add sugar. It’s important to read the labels.

Number 10 is a biggie – red meats. Now, if you can afford to buy a steak (and good for you) it’s a great no carb option. Pork is also considered a red meat, according to a lot of the information I found.

Number 9 is chicken or turkey. The dark meat is better for keto, as it contains more fat. But, none of it contains carbs.

Seafood Options

Number 8 on the list is shrimp. This is a favourite with many keto people. I’ve never been a huge fan of shrimp. I don’t like things that look me in the eye when I eat them and taking off a head is not for me. But, it’s a zero-carb option.

Number 7 is crab. Again, I’m not a huge fan, but it has zero carbs. I find it a bit too meaty in texture and it usually just makes me crave lobster. Yep, I’m extra.

Zero Carb Cheese and Dairy

Now we’re talking! I love cheese and dairy, and luckily, much of it has under 1 gram of carbs. Number 6 on my list is cheddar cheese. We can eat it in casseroles, use it as a taco shell, or just eat it as a snack on its own.

Number 5 is butter. I remember when health professionals said that butter was a completely unhealthy choice. Now, I eat it daily. Butter brings out the taste in all the different foods we eat. We use it in baking, in cooking, and on top of the vegetables we eat. Delicious!

zero carb
Zero carbs in Link snuggles!

Number 4 is heavy cream. Again, there is under 1 gram of carbs in 1 tablespoon of heavy cream. This little beauty is a constant in my coffee. It’s also great for baking and helps make the best scrambled eggs. But, my favourite use is whipping it up with a bit of sweetener for whipped cream.


Number 3 is mayonnaise. I will admit, as a Canadian, I used to be a big fan of Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise. No wonder – it has sugar in it. Since starting keto, I’ve adapted to real mayonnaise, which has no carbs in it. It’s great on burgers when you have to go with a fast food option.

Number 2 is mustard. Mustard actually doesn’t have carbs in it either. I’m not a huge fan, unless it’s mixed with something else in a casserole. But, you could have it on a burger and not add any carbs. That’s handy.

My Number One Zero Carb Food Option

Coffee. It’s my crutch – what gets me through the days. I do use heavy cream in mine, so I have to be cautious when I get it from a restaurant. Not everyone uses the zero carb cream – many have a carb or two in them. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make!

One Last Thought

Just as a caution – if the carb counts are under a certain level, companies don’t have to list them on their nutritional labels. That means that even zero carb foods can add up to taking in some. For example, the heavy cream I get has about 0.4 grams of carbs in a tablespoon. So, if I use 4 tablespoons in the run of a day, it means I’m taking in about 2 grams of carbs, even though the label says it contains zero carbs.

There are very few foods that are truly zero carbs. And, remember, with keto it’s not about eating zero carbs. It’s about eating under 20 grams of carbs a day. I feel it’s important to get the majority of your carbs in the form of vegetables so you get the nutrients you need to feel good. Just make sure they are low carb vegetables!


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