Can you Eat Keto at Chili’s Restaurants?

Can you Eat Keto at Chili’s Restaurants?

Chili’s started in 1975 and has been going strong ever since. I’ve heard a lot about the restaurant chain, but I’ve never eaten there as they are few and far between in Canada. From my research, it looks like there are only a few in Alberta, one of our western...
Myth 2 – Keto People Live on Bacon

Myth 2 – Keto People Live on Bacon

Recently, I wrote a blog of the top 10 keto myths. Once I finished the blog, I realized how much there was to say about each one! So, I decided to break each one down into its own blog. The next one on the list is that keto people live on bacon. I’ve lost track of how...
Are Quest Peanut Butter Cups Keto?

Are Quest Peanut Butter Cups Keto?

If you’ve been in a supplement store that sells protein bars and powders, you’ve probably come across the brand name Quest. Well, come to find out, they also have sugar-free alternatives to candy, such as peanut butter cups. You know we had to try those! Bill and I...
What Makes Me a Keto Nerd?

What Makes Me a Keto Nerd?

August 23rd each year celebrates Find Your Inner Nerd Day. A time to celebrate what makes you happy and unique. Most people associate it with things like Marvel and Star Wars. Although Wendy and I are both major fans of those “geeky” series, we have chosen being a...
Are All Carbs Created Equal?

Are All Carbs Created Equal?

I’ve put this “Are Carbs Created Equal?” blog under frequently asked questions, but it could easily be a rant, science, or even success story. From a science perspective a carbohydrate or carb is one of the macros we talk about so frequently. When doing...