Keto in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Keto in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Vegas, baby!  We went to Vegas about 10 years ago to see my favourite band, Motley Crue.  We had so much fun!  I’ve been wanting to go back ever since.  Hopefully, we will get there in the next five years or so.  That being said, we are now keto, so I need to do a...
Keto Taco Casserole For A Little Bite

Keto Taco Casserole For A Little Bite

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
No-Cook Keto Desserts and Snacks

No-Cook Keto Desserts and Snacks

It’s summer and that can be a more challenging season for people on keto. We cook a lot, make our own fat bomb desserts and meals so we stay on track. And that can be difficult when it’s hot. I came across a search on Pinterest for no-cook meals. That got me...
Keto at Rebecca’s Restaurant

Keto at Rebecca’s Restaurant

It was our anniversary on July 14th. We’ve been together for 25 years! So, we wanted to do something special – but not too expensive. We’re still saving up to return to Mexico next winter, so it had to be fun, but not super-expensive fun. We decided to go for a...
Should You Put Your Pets on Keto

Should You Put Your Pets on Keto

Yes, you read the title correctly. There is a lot of internet chatter about placing animals, specifically your household companions on a ketogenic diet to improve their health and regulate their weight. So should you put your pets on keto? Laughing at Pets on Keto My...