Keto Farm To Table Magazine in April

Keto Farm To Table Magazine in April

We at Married to Keto have an exciting announcement to make.  Our second magazine is coming out and it focuses on keto farm to table eating.  Farm to table is a new buzz word in the culinary world.  It’s all about connecting with your food and where it...
Is Keto Maintenance A Thing?

Is Keto Maintenance A Thing?

Congratulations!  You have been living the keto lifestyle and you are now down to your goal weight.  You are wearing clothes you never thought possible and you feel good about yourself.  Most importantly, you feel healthy and your activity level is way above what it...
Get Some Garlic Shrimp In Ya Keto Style

Get Some Garlic Shrimp In Ya Keto Style

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Our Obsession with Avocados on Keto

Our Obsession with Avocados on Keto

We were so excited to go on vacation to Mexico!  Avocados grown in Mexico make up about 84% of those imported into the United States.  Avocados on keto are pretty much considered miraculous food.  Low in carbs, high in fat and fiber – they are...
The Unplanned Keto Cheat Meal

The Unplanned Keto Cheat Meal

In past blogs, I’ve talked about going off-plan when you’re keto.  I’ve said that as long as you plan it, you can have a keto cheat meal knowing you will be fine.  Well, Bill and I went to Mexico last month, and I had an unexpected cheat that threw me completely off! ...