Every Woman Counts – IWP Celebrations

every woman counts

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on March 8, 2023

It’s International Women’s Day (IWD)! Honestly, I had no idea this day existed until I worked at a women’s resource centre. But once you learn it, you can’t “unlearn” it. This day started in the early 1900’s, fueled by women’s frustration of being second class citizens, especially in the labor movement. There is some controversy about whether it started in the States or Europe, but the ongoing movement was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1975. This year we celebrate the fact that every woman counts.

Canadian Theme for 2023 – Every Woman Counts

It’s very normal for a woman to discount herself. We don’t think of ourselves as being important. So how do I count? Well, I am a mother, wife, and daughter. These are all important roles. But, more than that, I am a sincere woman who strives for justice. I am a writer – I express myself through written words. So, I guess maybe I do count.

Every Woman Counts – Even with Gray Hair

When we got back from Mexico, I started looking through our pictures and I realized to my horror that my hair was gray. Like really gray. With the humidity, my hair was curlier than usual and the gray stood out. It bothered me. I felt it made me look old.

every woman counts
Cheers to IWD…

What’s the big deal? I’ve always resisted coloring my hair because I wanted to embrace growing older gracefully. But, when our tour guide at the cenote started offering his hand only to me for balance, it made me think about what that really means. I was under no illusion that he wanted to hold my hand. He felt I was the most vulnerable to falling and maybe breaking a hip. That stung a little.

Learning Every Woman Counts as I Face 50

Older women are important to our society, but they aren’t always given proper respect. My mother is in her 90’s, and there is no one on earth I respect more than her. I look to her for guidance and a practical point of view. It is important to respect those who come before us. They have knowledge of living through different times, and they have so much wisdom to share.

I’m now at the age when I can respect those who came before me. But, I’m also realizing that I may be offering some mentorship to women who are younger than I am. Women like my daughter. That’s another important role, and one I am taking to heart.

Learning What this Means For Me

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started getting more comfortable with who I am. I’m an introvert. When people want to go out on the town with a group, I would rather sit down with a couple of friends and talk over drinks at home. And, I’ve started realizing that that’s okay. I have anxiety, and I’ve realized that it is just a part of who I am. Once I started to accept it, I was able to recognize it for what it was. I adore my family, including my cats. Yes, I’m a bit of a crazy cat lady, and that’s okay too!

One aspect of myself that has changed in the last several years is my physical appearance. Yes, I’ve gotten more gray hair. I’ve also lost about 60 pounds on keto. It’s weird losing weight when you are approaching 50 and women usually gain weight during these years. People look at you like a weirdo, and they may be jealous of your success. I’ve learned that your self esteem is an ongoing process, and you don’t just grow into it as an adult. It’s a moving target.

A Final Thought About International Women’s Day

If you are a woman, take a few moments and enjoy who you are and how you count. It’s okay to acknowledge that you are special and important to your family, your community, and your world. Take a moment to reach out to other women you respect and let them know that they count too.

If you are a man, take a minute to let the important women in your life know they count. Where would you be without them? Let them know how much they mean to you.


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