Married to Keto
Keep Your Christmas Traditions Keto

Keep Your Christmas Traditions Keto

‘Tis the season to do all those traditions you’ve grown up loving, or loving to hate.  The holiday season is about love, and food, and celebrating the same ways each year.  You don’t want to have to make up all new traditions when you turn to keto. ...

Making a Keto Christmas Dinner

Making a Keto Christmas Dinner

It’s that holiday time of year again, and that can mean headaches for those on keto.  Turkey is actually more keto-friendly than the alternative of chicken as it contains more fat.  But, Christmas dinner is traditionally built around the turkey with sugary...

How to Start Keto – Quick or Planned?

How to Start Keto – Quick or Planned?

So, you’ve decided to start keto.  Congratulations!  What’s the next step?  Do you research and learn all about it first?  Or do you jump in with both feet and hope for the best?  We're going to look at how to start keto - quick off the start...

Are You Obsessed with Keto?

Are You Obsessed with Keto?

When it comes to frequently asked questions, the one we don’t talk about is: Are you Obsessed with Keto? It comes at us from friends, family, readers, acquaintances, or anyone that happens to know we live a keto lifestyle. With that many people coming at us with the...

Part Two – Is Sugar Bad for Us?

Part Two – Is Sugar Bad for Us?

If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  I’m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, No, I’m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the...

Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?

Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?

If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that I have a real hate for sugar.  I’m not talking the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, I’m talking the addition of sugar in otherwise healthy products that keep us wanting more and more of the sweet...

Dealing with the Post Weight Loss Blues

Dealing with the Post Weight Loss Blues

Hey, hey you.  I lost a lot of weight on keto.  Where’s my attention?  What do you mean that’s old news?  Obviously, I’m kidding, but when you first lose weight, you get a lot of attention from it.  People talk about how great you look and...

When Life Gets Dirty, Use Dirty Keto

When Life Gets Dirty, Use Dirty Keto

Sometimes, it feels like life is throwing curveballs at you, trying to hit you in the face.  Lately, it seems that every time we turn around, life is belting us again.  At these points in your life, where does keto fall in our list of priorities?  Well,...

How To Help Your Friends Understand Keto

How To Help Your Friends Understand Keto

It can be really stressful going somewhere for dinner and trying to get your friends to understand keto. This makes it stressful for the people hosting the dinner.  How do you reassure your friends and family that you can still be invited to dinner parties? Options to...